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5 Ways to Improve Your Personality Everyday!

By Khyati Gautam

25 June, 2017

Be a Better Version of Yourself!

  "Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower." None of us is perfect. Each one of our personalities is replete with flaws. Certain habits prove to be an obstacle in the path of our progress. They deprive us of achieving success. This might add up to one's frustration and land him into a state of absolute despair. Self-improvement is the most important thing in every individual's life.   Following are the 5 habits, if practiced sincerely, that can direct one towards the path of self- improvement:
  • Be a morning person

    Wake up early! Wake up early!  
According to facts and figures collected from different sources, it is proven that people who wake up with the sun are prone to be more successful in their lives as compared to the ones who sleep till late in the morning. Getting up early and doing workout generates positive vibes. It enthuses one with the positive energy. The performance of an individual improves in all the arenas since the fresh air of the dawn is imperative in rejuvenating our bodies. Being a morning person helps greatly in scheduling your day and keep oneself away from haste.  
  • Create goals

    Make Your Goals! Make Your Goals!  
To have an aim in life is very important. This keeps you focussed and imparts meaning to the life. If there is a goal in life, we make concrete efforts to achieve it. We realize the value of time and the need to utilize it effectively and judiciously. Goals are the dreams with a deadline.   Having a goal is not enough, working in the proper direction to accomplish it is that what makes all the difference. An aim brings us focus, a right one brings us success.   Have an aim that intends to improve your life and brings a dollop of success. Rise every day with a thought that you need to achieve your goal.  
  • Be Curious

    Be curious to learn more. Be curious to learn more.  
Being curious aids in grooming one's personality. Do not stick to what you already know. Be receptive to new ideas, habits, and hobbies. Never let your mind wander aimlessly. Utilizing time properly and learning new things has a vital role to play in every successful man's life. Equip yourself with a variety of information. This keeps your brain cells active. Read stuff- magazines, periodicals, newspapers, etc. Watch motivational videos. Join a hobby class.   Learning is never bad. So why not try your hands at distinct things to give yourself a new experience each day? It will only help you to become smarter.  
  • Healthy lifestyle

    Stay healthy to have an awesome personality. Stay healthy to have an awesome personality.  
Adopting a healthy lifestyle can transform your life completely. Eat healthy food, drink an adequate amount of water, listen to some music, do exercise regularly, keep the usage of social media minimal, do meditation, read on a regular basis, keep calm and rock your world! Take ample amount of sleep because it revitalizes the brain, and keep the body active and sound. Refrain from spending a large fraction of your day on social media. A good amount of screen time can strain the eyes. Even if the profession demands it, make sure to take regular breaks once in a while to relax.   Do not be social virtually but in reality. That is far more important. Spend time with family, friends, go on a walk with them, look around yourself, appreciate little things of beauty and be grateful to God.  
  • Keeping a Journal

    Always keep a journal. Always keep a journal.  
Ensure yourself to have some ME time. It is of utmost importance to make some space for yourself in your routine to build your personality. Write down about your day, pen down your feelings, outbursts, reveries. This will be beneficial inventing your pent up emotions. Writing alleviates dolor and paves the way for fabricating a happy human being. It charges up the spirit and boosts the morale. Writing a journal is a good habit that teaches you to organize your own ideas and put them appropriately. This helps in de-cluttering our own thoughts and fosters creativity in an individual.  
Improve yourself and push your limits because the only limit you have is in your mind!