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7 Common Living Room Problems And Their Solutions

By Aarohy Kapoor

14 February, 2018

Everyone loves keeping their homes beautiful and living room is always everyone's priority. Living room design is something that one wants to change frequently but our rush lifestyle doesn't permit it to do often. When your guests visit your home, they spend most of their time sitting in this room. Moreover, they create an impression about you based on your living area. Do not let your impression go for a toss. We provide you the best living room ideas, apply these solutions to your common home decor problems:- All About Living Rooms All About Living Rooms  
  • Old Art

Replace the old art that is lying useless in your living area. It is spoiling the look of your living room interiors. If you find it difficult to part with them then go for restructuring. Convert your old images and posters into a huge collage for your wall. This will give an antique look to other old objects. Old paintings converted into beautiful collage art Old paintings converted into beautiful collage art  
  • Old TV Shelf

Since the modern furniture comprises of televisions that are mounted on the wall, your old television stands seem a waste now. Instead of throwing them away at low rates, restructure them with the help of a carpenter. You can even add doors to them and can shift them to other room and make your room look bigger. TV Cabinet modified TV Cabinet modified  
  • Too Many Books in the Living Room

Books are addictive and once you get into reading, no one can stop you from buying books. These books often start filling your room and you are short on space. The best living room furniture idea is to go for a vertical bookshelf. They keep the books stacked on top of one another and prevent them from falling down too. Vertical Bookshelf Vertical Bookshelf  
  • Dirty Carpet

Living room rugs are the ones that get the dirtiest. Over a period of time, they develop some weird difficult stains. Follow the Modern living room ideas that include replacing the old carpets with canopy rug made from New Zealand rugs. They are naturally stain resistant and make your room look cleaner. Stainless Canopy Rugs Stainless Canopy Rugs  
  • Cleaning the clutter

Some areas of your home are sure to have clutter more than the rest. Everything is magically accumulated in that area which makes your living room interiors looks dirty. Go for specialized furniture that has drawers in it. Instead of dumping the clutter use the drawers of your home to place the miscellaneous stuff properly. Helpful Drawers Helpful Drawers  
  • Boring sofa colour

Replace the monochrome colours of your sofa with some bright colours. If your sofa is in good condition but you are bored then give your furniture a new look. Sofa Sofa  
  • Lamp and lighting

To have efficient utilization of energy, you need to have arc lamps in your living room. You can use them when you do not need too much light. They work well in your study room. Arc Lamps Arc Lamps   Revamp your living room with these cool home decor ideas. For more Lifestyle and Culture, articles click here.