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8 Safety Measures to be followed during this Pandemic by Angad Ahluwalia, Senior manager, SterloMax, Sanitizers and Surface Disinfectants

By Admin

24 July, 2020

The world has woken up to a new and unheard reality where the old norms of social conduct and the congregation has lost their meaning. In this ‘new normal’, communities have begun to look at newer ways of engaging with each other. Offices have switched to Zoom meetings; friends are catching up at each other’s homes instead of hanging out at the nearest watering hole. Weddings have lost their usual pomp and aplomb due to the many restrictions. These new state of affairs are a step up from the complete lock-down that was initially introduced, but the fear and the panic of the pandemic still looms large. In such situations, it is imperative to ask ourselves the below questions before stepping out:  Can I order this online/can this activity be delayed?  Are there going to be senior citizens on my way or at the destination?  Am I commuting during peak traffic?  Will I be entering a crowd/commuting in a crowded space?  Do I have kids below 5 and senior citizens at home? If the answers to the above questions are yes, it is advisable not to step out of the home. But if a scenario arises, where it is necessary to walk out of the door, then remember to follow the below guidelines:
  • Social Distancing- The lockdown may have ended, but the pandemic hasn’t. It is necessary to maintain social distancing and ensure that you maintain at least 3 feet of distance from others. Social distancing is the best way to ensure that you don’t come in touch with Covid-19 patients. pandemic, livingandexploring Social Distancing
  • Use an alcohol-based sanitizer- In March 2020, WHO recommended formula for sanitizers- they should either contain 75% Isopropyl Alcohol or 80% Ethanol for effectively killing Covid-19 type viruses. Various types of sanitizers are available in the market currently during the pandemic, but ensure that the one you are using is manufactured with a government-issued drug license. Be extremely cautious about the sanitizers that are being used as a lot of sanitizers contain methanol which is harmful to our health. pandemic, livingandexploring Hand Sanitizer
  • Use a surface disinfectant- Although you will be cautious about not touching any foreign object or leaning in on a railing, it’s important that you carry a surface disinfectant that can be sprayed on tables, hand-holds, etc. If you don’t have a surface disinfectant, dilute the 75% alcohol-based sanitizer with water in a 1:1 ratio for a temporary solution. If you are planning to pick up a surface disinfectant, ensure it is tested as per Indian Pharmacopoeia and manufactured under Government-issued Drug License. Try carrying a contactless hygiene safety device that will help you in this pandemic while pressing elevator buttons, opening doorknobs while you don’t come in direct contact with these objects. pandemic, livingandexploring Surface Disinfectant
  • Wear a mask at all times- It is imperative to wear a mask at all times when you are outside the home during this pandemic. Remember to wear either 8210, 9210, or N95 masks for protection. Ensure that the mask covers the nose and the mouth completely. Do not touch the mask and then touch any other part of the face or the body. While removing the mask, remember to hold the elastic bands or the strings to untie it; do not touch the part of the mask that covers your nose and the mouth. Wash your hands thoroughly after removing the mask and dispose of it safely. Always wear a mask with NIOSH branding on the side of the mask. pandemic, livingandexploring Use Masks
  • Gloves- When you walk out of the door of the house, ensure that you wear gloves. Gloves will ensure that you do not touch any other object directly. They will also act as a reminder to not touch your face. Try wearing gloves that are made of Nitrile or latex and rubber. pandemic, livingandexploring Use Hand Gloves
  • Carry warm water- Carry a bottle of water with you all the time, this will help you in remaining hydrating. Preferably, try carrying an insulated bottle and sip on warm water from time to time. pandemic, livingandexploring Drink Warm Water
  • Sanitizing Wipes- Carry sanitizing wipes to open doors of cars or clean the seat of the car while traveling. You can also use the same to open/lock doors, faucets, etc. pandemic, livingandexploring Sanitizing Wipes
  • Aarogya Setu App- Install the Aarogya Setu app and always keep your Bluetooth on. The app will notify you if you are close or come in contact with anyone who has COVID 19. COVID 19 has affected the entire world adversely. However, if we resolve to take care of ourselves and others by following government guidelines as well as taking personal responsibility to remain safe, we will be able to fight the virus. pandemic, livingandexploring Aarogya Setu
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