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A BUSY MARKET HUB: the anomaly of being a helpless Indian lady

By Shweta Raj Kanwar

19 September, 2016

 Source: http://www.filmimovies.com/category/hindi-movies/trailer-hindi movies/

  Away from home, at a university hostel surrounded with friends and peers of your own age group, it’s never too late to plan up for outings, hangouts and shopping. After all, shopping is one of the many activities a girl loves to go for, whether happy or sad, angry or depressed.   Unlike one of the many Sundays jam packed with overloaded plans, this particular Sunday had this aura of peculiarity- the misty foggy morning and the wintry chill, however, were not sufficient to dampen their winter shopping excitement.  Full of zeal and enthusiasm, both the beauties were ready to walk the ramp- unaware of the realization that would befall upon them that misty Sunday afternoon.   One store to the next, one pullover to another- nothing seemed to catch their eye, not anything was as appealing to their hearts as they had expected. Walking past the innumerable boutiques, finally, the one that caught their eyes was the one from where they grabbed the apparels and were just ready to leave when………   A huge crowd had gathered at the market- being a Sunday that was all the more obvious but all the same unexpected. The girls, nervous and scared of the crowd, first timers as they were, decided to stop by the store till the crowd subsided, which, all the more increased. However, late, as they were for their destination, the girls decided to get into the crowd and find their way out to the cab stand. Little did they knew they were throwing themselves on a “bunch of hyenas”- ever ready to tear the skin off their bodies. With pounding heartbeats and nervous faces, they risked to join the never subsiding crowd. Pushed and touched, commented at and humiliated- all these were, but just an instance in the life of an ordinary Indian lady.   It was too much to bear, an intolerable fit of anger raged through the girl and she dared to turn to slap the moron behind her but……   The moment she looked back, what she saw made her feel so helpless! It was as if a bunch of hyenas were waiting to be provoked. She realized the seriousness of the situation and reacted the way any sane lady would have reacted to such a situation.   The girls decided to stop by at an eatery and waited till they found a group of ladies amongst the crowd and went along with them.   Reaching the hostel was like escaping abduction. They went to their room, not uttering a single word, but deep inside cursing their helplessness, the anomalies of being born an Indian lady. Their silence was a symbol of the justice they demanded- from the male counterparts, who, instead of helping them at that hideous moment, were willing to make fun of and enjoy the helplessness of an Indian lady at a crowded market hub. The face of that moron, still troubling the girl, as she looked behind her, only to realize, how unaided and vulnerable an Indian lady in India can be.   The only conclusion they drew from this was – “It’s a curse to be born a girl in India”!!!   And the question that I ask is- is this an ongoing process? Will every Indian girl be made to realize this fact at some point of her life? Think about it!!