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Author Vansh Arora Speaks About his Debut Book

By Debolina Coomar

28 April, 2018

Author Vansh Arora talks about his book, the publishing industry and what the future looks like for budding authors

  Sometimes for some people, spoken words cannot create the impact as written words do. When they express their views, thought or creativity through words on paper, they become amazing books and novels. This is the story of Vansh Arora as well.   Vansh is currently pursuing his higher studies. Along with it, he is working on the sequel to his first novel. He is an aspiring entrepreneur and also a self-proclaimed cricket aficionado. It is great to see such young, talented minds using their passion to give us amazing stuff to read. He is one of the budding Indian authors who is all set to create a name for himself in the literary world.    BananiVista spoke to him about his debut novel, My Love Is Away From Mortality to know the story line, his aspirations, and expectations from the book and other aspects of being an author.  

A quote that you believe in–

“There is no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist. We are all equals as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that’s that. I am not talented, I am obsessed.” ~Conor McGregor

BananiVista: How did your passion for writing kickstart? Did you start at an early age? Who or What inspired you to become an author? Vansh Arora: I fell in love with writing when I was around 13 years old. Writing stuff was like an escape for me. Being an introvert, I never really showed much keenness towards talking to people, so I used to just jot down whatever that was brewing inside me. My inspiration did not originate from any tangible being or thing. It was just the magic of words which stroked something in me and placed me on the road to become a writer.     Vansh Arora, a budding author Vansh Arora, a budding author   BananiVista: Tell us something about yourself that is uniquely different or how you want people to know you. Vansh Arora: Honestly, I am not aware of something that I possess and a bunch of other people does not. I am an ordinary person who is still trying to make his way out of the crowd.   They can see me in any way they prefer to but they should refrain from constructing a perception of me as some careless boy who seemed to have no idea where he is heading. I ponder upon the things that concern me with utmost seriousness and I know that I’m treading the right path to reach my destination.   BananiVista: Tell us something about your debut novel, My Love is Away from Mortality. How did you conceptualize the story, the characters, your writing style etc.? What can readers expect from your book?  Vansh Arora: The story of My love is Away from Mortality was more like residing already somewhere in my head and I just did the work of carrying it to the paper. However, don’t misconstrue my words. It’s NOT like some snippets of it were derived from reality. The plot is entirely fictional. As far as characters are concerned, I put an element of me in the two main characters which are Manav and Aditi. Manav is portrayed as an atypical sleepyhead who finds it tough to stay awake for more than sixty minutes. For him the world turns non-existent the moment he steps into his bedroom. This was me at one point of my life. The character of Aditi grabbed my habit of over-thinking. A couple of years back, I was an epitome of pessimism. I still envision the worst possible consequences of every situation. So, overall crafting Aditi’s character was something I really enjoyed on the personal level. Readers should expect a mix of pure romance and dark mystery wrapped in humor in some parts with a plot twist which I am sure will leave them stunned to the core.     His debut novel releasing in May His debut novel releasing in May   BananiVista: What were the challenges that you faced when you started writing the novel and how did you overcome them? Vansh Arora: The lack of guidance in the initial stages affected me a bit. I had to find my own way out of the woods. However, during that phase, I came to know about the fact that I am capable of doing things alone. When you are alone, you might miss out on the precious advice of a veteran, but everything has its pros and cons, isn’t it? I overcame this phase with my willingness to make things work and a bit of what Manav would do. Yes, you got me here. By sleeping them off.   BananiVista: What is the USP of your book?  Vansh Arora: Many people are out there who have stopped appreciating pure romance novels. A portion of that many people is still new to reading so they are doubtful whether it would be a good idea to straightaway jump on to some dark fantasy or a rash thriller. This book is a perfect blend of two genres to make their transition as a reader slightly easy    

Daniel Paul Singh, author of the best-seller 11 Hours fame commented on his book, “Masterfully crafted Vansh has laid a foundation of something which promises to grow up and fuel an exciting transition in the industry.”

  BananiVista: According to you, how fair is the current writing and publishing industry is to new authors? What are the common challenges you faced as a new author? What are the positives you perceive in the current scenario?   Vansh Arora: I’ll try to sum it up in an honest manner. The current scenario is not really ideal for a newbie. You’ll meet greedy people in abundance here who won’t think twice before robbing you off your hard-earned money. A novice turns up with a dream to see his book on the display of a bookstore someday. If something terrible happens like this, along with the money he is also robbed off the motivation to fulfill his dream. Needless to say, which is bad because there is a chance that he possesses an insane amount of potential and if he gives up the world might never see a masterpiece he was destined to write. As far as I have observed, right now it’s getting all about churning out big bucks. The way money is tampering with the sanctity of the art is outright dangerous. Amidst this cesspool of greed, the only positive which stands out is the constantly increasing availability of ridiculously talented people. This is the only area which is not black, and it must act as a flicker of hope.   Vansh was a part of an ebook anthology Vansh was a part of an ebook anthology   BananiVista: What are your expectations after the launch of the book?   Vansh Arora: Currently, I am just happy about the fact that I’ll be able to hold my book in my hands very soon. Yes, somewhere deep inside a part of me is worried about what kind of response the book will fetch. I am trying to be at peace because the moments I am living right now are certainly one of the best ones I have lived in my life so far, so I better bask in this happiness rather than allowing the panic to swallow me. I’ll turn my focus on the days which will follow the launch when I would feel that I have savored the enjoyment I deserved after grinding for more than an year.   You can Pre-Order his book. You can Pre-Order his book.   BananiVista: Two things that you feel young and budding authors in the country might be doing wrong and they need to change their perspective. Vansh Arora: I have bumped into many aspiring authors who have this image in their head that it is way too easy here to get famous. They think their books will be sitting on the top of all the bestseller charts and their Instagram followers will soar up to the number of millions. Their ambitions are way too deviated from where they should be. The quality of their book should be their only concern at least until they are not done with it.     BananiVista: Do you follow or write for any writing platforms? Do you think these are a good platform for budding authors to showcase and nurture their talent?   Vansh Arora: Right now, I think Mirakee is the best stop for a writer to showcase his/her work. The community they are building is encouraging in every way. There is a chance that you might become a better writer there as well.    Vansh wrote on Mirakee Vansh wrote on Mirakee   BananiVista: Are you planning to write more books in the future? If yes, what genres do you want to explore? Vansh Arora: As of now, I have a sequel to My Love is Away from Mortality in the pipeline. It will be from the genre of fantasy with a touch of dystopia. It is going to be a big project. I am yet to think about anything beyond it. I can’t say about the genre I would like to dig in after it but I have this desire to write a full-fledged series at least once in my writing career.   BananiVista: A message or advice for the budding authors in the country. Vansh Arora: If some aspiring author is reading this interview, all I want to say is that enjoy the process, and never stop learning a bit more about the craft. A desiring result is something you cannot script, but you can pour your heart out in your work. That way at least you will love your work if not someone else.   

Rapid Fire

  1. I was inspired by the writing style of No one in particular, but Stephen King’s style did it to some extent.
  2. One contemporary Indian author whose work I admire. Novoneel Chakraborty
  3. The first copy of my book will go to A friend of mine who had my back all the while I was writing MLIAFM
  4. Apart from writing, I enjoy Watching football, cricket and working towards the development of my NGO named Redrafting Humanity.
  5. Three words that describe me the best -  Pessimistic, Introvert, Ambitious

BananiVista wishes him more success and milestones in his journey ahead.   For more interesting content follow our digital magazine BananiVista. Do "Like" and "Follow" us on Facebook.