Summer is as hot as ever and the worst part of this season is that we don't want to leave our comfort zone to go outside. We have to think ten times before going outside in presence of this super hot sun. But what if your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to spend some time with you and you don't want to leave your bed? Well here is the solution. We have five super cool ideas how you can spend time with your loved ones without leaving your sweet home.
Burgers and cold - drinks

Burger and cold drinks.
Suppose she is really upset because of your ignorance and the main reason behind it is this hot weather. Just invite her to your house and order her favorite snacks with chilled cold - drinks, and voila, she will not even remember the cause of the fight. As you know food is the key to the lock of heart. ;)
Books and her favorite food

Books and wine!
If your girlfriend is a kind of book - lover then you don't have to do anything but spend a few bucks. Order her favorite book, invite her to your place and prepare a decent lunch while she gets involved with the fictional characters. She will love your efforts.
Water, water, everywhere

Playing with water guns.
In this hot weather, anyone would love to soak himself in cold water. You are never too old to play in the water. All you need is two water guns and just shower each other in the drops of love. You can spend time with her and at the same time get rid of the summer heat. Killing two birds with a single stone is way too good.
Candles and romance in summer

Candle Night Dinner and Romance.
There is a special thing with aroma candles that anyone can get lost in their fragrance. Candles and
food always make best of the pair. Help her in the kitchen then enjoy the delicious meal under the dim light of your favorite candle.
Movies and Maggi

Young couple watching TV
Don't you think that Maggie should be declared the national food of bachelorhood? We know that not everyone knows cooking so this point id only for you. Watching movie along with a big - big bowl of steaming hot noodles can be the best date you ever had.
These were our sweet and simple ideas to make your date memorable without spending much and without struggling in this hot summer.