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In Conversation With Daniel Paul Singh, Author of Romantic Thriller “11 Hours”

By Aarohy Kapoor

30 January, 2018

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

  This quote by Albert Einstein is something what Daniel Paul Singh firmly believes upon. A blogger turned novelist, Daniel Paul Singh is almost topping the charts with his romantic thriller novel 11 Hours. He is B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineer and works as a Learning Consultant in an MNC at Chennai. He is an occasional short film maker too. Know more about this romantic thriller author as he shares some moments of his life with BananiVista.   Daniel Paul Singh Daniel Paul Singh  
BV: How did you bump into literary world?
Daniel: I started writing poems when I was in my 8th standard but till 12th I shifted to writing short stories and blogs. When I joined an IT MNC, I was glad to find a blogging platform there and took up blogging seriously. In 2016, October, one of my blogger friends introduced me to NaNoWriMo, which challenged me to write 50k words in one month. I like doing things which people say I can’t do. I took up the challenge and wrote my novel.  
BV: Being a blogger, what were the difficulties you faced while writing a book?
Daniel: Since I wrote it for a challenge, I didn’t find it difficult. I actually enjoyed writing it. Every night 11 pm to 1 am was my writing time. The personal challenge was 2000 words per day and some days I even wrote more. Thus, I ended up writing the whole novel in just 15 days.   Author of 11 Hours Author of 11 Hours  
BV: How do you feel when your book tagged the "National Bestseller"?
Daniel: It feels great. When my publisher “Write India” first added the National Bestseller tag, I was elated. It makes me happy to see the book among the best sellers on Amazon when I was just a self-published debutant.  
BV: Something about “11 Hours”!
Daniel: It is semi-autobiographical. The title was inspired by ‘11 Minutes’ of Paulo Coelho (My wife was reading the book then and I shamelessly stole the title).  The plot originated from the idea that when someone is kidnapped, the protagonist usually has to find them. What if the protagonist is forced to find someone else, instead of the kidnapped!  
BV: What do you enjoy the most- blogging, story-telling or writing a book? Why?
Daniel: Storytelling! With one’s imagination running wild, the story could go anywhere. It is pure bliss and totally fun.  
BV: Should we consider Romantic Thriller as your genre?
Daniel: Not at all! Romance is a genre I despise.  I wanted to write techno-thriller or a murder mystery, but I ended up writing Romance, as that sells best in India.   Daniel Daniel  
BV: Anything planned for the next book?
Daniel: I am halfway through my second novel, which is a techno-thriller. However, seeing the response of my readers, I am thinking that I should write a “Romantic Mystery” or a “Romantic Tragedy” instead. But let’s see!  
BV: A message for our readers who wish to step into the literary world!
Daniel: Write from your heart; believe in your work, edit it well and the right audience will find you. Never give up! There is nothing more satisfying than proving your critics wrong.