De-stress yourself!
Meetings, Deadlines, Conferences, Uh! You are so stressed out, Isn’t it? But no matter what, you need to manage your
stress level, get back to your desk and need to give 100% productiveness. Aren’t there ways to de-stress during working hours? In spite of fighting with your stress, why not burst it all at once and come back refreshed. This not only cheers you up but also helps in delivering your work perfectly. Let’s see how one can de-stress and calm their mind:
- Take a break: Whenever you are stressed or you feel your mind gets stuck then taking a break of half an hour or few minutes will help. You can also pick an hour for yourself in the middle of the day to de-stress within your working hours. Step away from your desk, walk around a bit, have a sip of coffee or tea or grab a chocolate. I’m sure you will find more relaxed, refreshed and charged once you get back to your desk.
Take a break!
- Begin your day with a positive note: Many of us start our day by scrutinizing the mail box which acts as a catalyst to our stress level and can lower our productivity level. Why not start the day by doing something productive? One can read an interesting article, a blog, or can update to-do list for the day. One can also work on the notes for an upcoming meeting. Try to do something that makes you belief of your progress towards a goal.
Start your day with a positive note.
- Appreciate yourself: As it is very important to start your day with a good note, similarly, we should end our day by adding goodness to it. Appreciating yourself can boost for the next day. End your day by writing at least one good thing you have done or happened to you. Even during the chaotic days, don’t forget to leave a positive message to yourself.
Make a note to yourself!
- Make your work-station colorful: Your work space shouldn’t be dull. Cheer it up by decorating with colorful plants, pictures of your friends and family that makes you smile.
- Pump it up with your favorite number: Before you hit a meeting or stressful presentations, why not cheer yourself up with an extra dose of energy? Keep your fight song ready whenever you need that extra dose of energy and confidence. “Come with me now” by South African band, Kongos works for me. Find out what’s your pump up song and listen to it whenever you need some energy!
Use your cool headphones and listen to your favorite number!