Name Of The Book: Exam Warriors
Publisher: Penguin Random House India
Price: Rs.100/-
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Exams Are Like Festivals- Celebrate Them
Prime Minister Narendra Modi turns author with
Exam Warriors. A doubt clouds my mind and questions, ‘Why would the head of the government think about exams?’ An argument breaks out between the minds. Yes! The small mind shouts, ‘Vote Bank Politics! Another Jhumla,’ but the big mind whispers, ‘Our doubt is always about something positive. We doubt goodness and believe in evil just like we doubt our capabilities and believe in weaknesses.’ The small mind sniggers, ‘Go ahead and waste your time.’ The big mind coaxes, ‘Pick it up for it may change your mind.’
I change stance and pick the book by a new Indian author. My mind calms down at this and with the newly acquired stillness, I smile at the cover that inspires the students to be happy and celebrate life. The contents are interesting Mantras with catchy pointers. The book is dedicated to the Youth of New India. I see myself looking at the restless and nervous student community settle down for a while. The hope in their aura makes me smile. The note from the author makes me realize that
‘India is the world’s most youthful nation and it is the strength and skills of these youngsters that will usher in a New India.’ Now, this is wow!
I read on to understand that in life it is the passion that makes the best vocation. As a parent, I experience a shift in my mind for there are truths designed to touch chords that lay dormant for quite some time. The comical images make me smile and the activities help me become a child. I come across certain truths that give the power to empower.
- Exams test your current preparation, Not You. Chill!
- Smiles foster relaxation. With greater relaxation comes greater ability to recall.
- Compete with Yourself
- Temporary competition may damage friendship permanently
- Proper time management is proper pressure management
- Work in the present
- Leave your comfort zone
- Presentation is the key, Master it
- Technology is a great teacher- Embrace it.
- For parents and teachers: Accept rather than expect
- Yoga brings transformation- Practise It
Before I realize the book ends but the wisdom seeps in, ‘To Cheat Is To Be Cheap,’ and the illustrations still pop up in my head. ‘Aspire, Not To Be, But To Do,’ rings a bell and I feel inspired like a child.
Exam Warriors is a must read for it will change perspective whether you are a parent, teacher or a child. It inspires with easy tips and presents doable goals. I cannot
‘cheat’ my conscience anymore and call
'Exam Warriors' a political gimmick for it would be
‘cheap’ to listen to my small mind.
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