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6 Simple Home Organization Hacks One Needs to Know

By Admin

27 May, 2019

If everyday productivity is your goal, preparation for achieving it is a must. An inability to stay organized adds to the execution time of the simplest of tasks to the point where you become too lethargic to even attempt them. If your daily schedule involves keeping track of family members, working on passion projects, self-development, making sure errands are run and your home is organized, we’ve got the perfect hacks for you.  
  1. Plan your schedule:home, bananivista
In an active family, it’s sometimes difficult to keep track of where everyone is on a given day. An easy way of planning everyone’s schedules is to keep a sticky notepad next to a large calendar and have family members write down their activities and paste a note next to the relevant day. It makes coordination a lot easier at your home!  
  1. Get your kitchen to stay organizedhome, bananivista
 Any Indian kitchen will have a ton of utensils. And every meal preparation requires you to have this utensil easily available for you to use when you need it, so you don’t need to spend hours just cooking. Getting your kitchen to always be organized is the key to saving time. Plan where you want each of your utensils put up so that it is easily accessible exactly when you need it. Once you have made the plan, try hanging all the everyday essentials and smaller items like scissors, strainer, smaller pans, etc. on the countertop wall using the damage free hooks so that everything is easily accessible as well as makes space look good and home organized.  
  1. Make grocery lists easier:
home, bananivistaNo matter how often you go grocery shopping, you tend to miss out on essential items. And in a family, where every member has their own needs, the lists can really go out of hand if they are just in your mind. What you need at your home is some sort of a visual collection tool where all your family members can put up things they need whenever they want to. Put up an erasable whiteboard film on your refrigerator along with a whiteboard marker, so that anytime someone needs something, they can just write it on the whiteboard film. Whoever is going grocery shopping will just have to take a pic of the list written on the whiteboard film on their phone instead of scouring the fridge or kitchen for depleted items.  
  1. Help your child stay organized through the yearhome, bananivista
  In an un-organized study area, it’s very hard for your child to focus and they end up wasting a lot of time looking for important material. It can be distracting and stressful resulting in a very disorganized mental state. An organized room at our home, on the other hand, helps your child be more focused and they no longer end up wasting a lot of their study time searching for important study material. It also helps you keep track of all the resources available making it easy to refill as and when they run out of it. With the right tools, it’s not only possible to keep the study area organized but also help them study the right way and make learning more fun and lasting. Colorful sticky notes can be used to summarize, color code and bookmark important topics while studying making it effortless to recollect and revise.   5.Organize your wardrobe:home, bananivista Figuring out what to wear is a daily struggle, and it never gets easier. The panic that comes with the morning routine makes it difficult to be both impeccably dressed and on time. We have a solution that might make things easier! Start by categorizing your clothes in different categories like- a yellow flag for what you wear the most, a red one for what you wear the least, another for a party or office wear and you’ll have your own customized, functional and time-saving wardrobe. We guarantee that once you know where to find everything, selecting the right outfit for the right occasion will be much easier.  
  1. Remember to stay on track:home, bananivista
  When various day to day tasks start to pile up putting it all down on one page might not be feasible. However, displaying quick reminders like invitation cards, bills, letters, research material, etc. in spaces you frequent is an excellent way of keeping track. One usually avoids putting things on the wall with tape because of the fear of damage. Using a wall friendly tape, you can ensure that all your tasks are in a place your eyes roam frequently. No matter how much you must get done, staying on top of your tasks becomes manageable.   Staying Organized helps you become more productive in another day to day tasks as well. Organizing is not a superpower or something you are born with- it is a skill that can be learned by implementing small changes in your day to day life tasks with help of the right products to keep the items in place and contained. Try assigning a designated place to every item you own and keeping the item back from where you took them so it’s easy to find it later when you need it.  So, the time is now; get out there and get your life sorted and organized! Co-authored by Mr. Sanjit Satapathy, Executive Director, Consumer Business, 3M India Ms. Priya Vijayran, Founder & Professional Organizer, The Groomed Spaces To know more about home decor, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Download our magazine Spunky Indian for exclusive stories.