Interview with Author and Multitalented-Shivank Srivastava
"Your talent is a gift from God, What you do with it is your gift to him." Shivank Srivastava best describes the above quote. Besides being a Computer Science Engineer, he is an author, DJ, choreographer, motivational speaker and wants to try acting as well.
BananiVista in conversation with this 23-year old where he shares some of his interesting moments from his life's journey so far.

Shivank Srivastava
BV: What was your aim to be when you were a kid?
Shivank: My childhood completely revolved around cricket. I used to spend hours on the ground. Moreover, I had a dream to play cricket for the country.
BV: So many qualities, what is the first thing you tell about yourself?
Shivank: I am an
explorer who likes to experience different things and tries to make every opportunity count. I go ahead with my gut.
BV: How did the thought of your book- "The Hero Within" cross your mind?
Shivank: Just the urge that I need to tell the world about something so magical that truly exists within us! Besides, a quote from a
book could restore people's belief in themselves.

The Hero Within by Shivank Srivastava
BV: Something about your dance academy?
Shivank: Freakers Bunch Dance Academy was a wonderful experience alongside my co-instructors Shubham, Geetanjali Ma’am, Vivek Sir. Our dancers ranged from toddlers to college students, newly-weds to senior citizen housewives. Nothing better than doing what you love and getting paid for it!
BV: Where do you look at yourself after 5 years?
Shivank: Humble me says,
‘Still doing what I love’
Ambitious me says,
‘On the Forbes Magazine Cover’.
But after 5 years I want to be able to keep my family happy and healthy by pursuing my passion.
BV: How was your experience as a motivational speaker just at the age of 21?
Shivank: The age makes this experience wonderful. People do not picture me as a ‘motivational’ speaker. They did not expect a 21 year old kid teaching them life lessons but I love surprising people.

Shivank, the explorer as he loves calling himself
BV: How does your family react when you experiment with new stuffs every now and then?
Shivank: I am lucky to have a supportive family. My sister’s financial support for my book, my father booking an urgent flight for a dance audition, my mother’s motivation; these things are just a few to be named. After all, everything matters.
BV: The book and the movie you recommend to everyone?
Shivank: ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill is a lovely book.
‘Memento’, I am a huge Christopher Nolan fan. And the movie is brilliant.
BV: What was the Turning Point of your life?
Shivank: Class 11
th ‘Cyber Fiesta’ in MHS! Inter-school sound mixing event and I lied to my Computer teacher when asked about using a Virtual DJ software. I had never tried it. 2 days of practice and luck favoured this introvert boy. I bagged second prize out of 25 top schools of Kanpur. That was my first achievement in extra-curricular and since then I never looked back.
BV: Your message for the dreamers?
Shivank: ‘If you can dream it, you can achieve it!’ Never forget why you started and remember the people in your journey. Also, Step forward and help the not so fortunate ones.