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An Interview with the Creator of Foodholic Blog: Esha Shroff

By Banani

8 October, 2017

 Food Blogger and founder of Foodholic: Esha Shroff

  Food Journey with Esha Shroff Food Journey with Esha Shroff   As the internet is becoming more and more central to our lives, it has become easy to express oneself, share passions and knowledge. There are numerous ways to show one's skills online which has the power to reach masses. One of them is Blogging through which one can not only express their thoughts but also can influence the audience. Since the blogosphere has evolved people have started to blog for various reasons. One such kind is Foodholic Mumbai, a microblog that speaks about vegetarian food, desserts and beverages in and around Bombay as well as internationally.   Foodholic Mumbai is the brainchild of Esha Shroff who started the blog 4 years ago. Born out of her passion for food and creativity Foodholic explores not only fine dining experiences but also street food that will leave your eyes wanting to see more.The blog is a perfect portrayal of conviction in one's dreams and an unending search for good food.   Esha Shroff- Food Blogger Esha Shroff- Food Blogger   To know more of her gastronomic journey, BananiVista had a tete-a-tete with the Food Blogger, Esha Shroff. Here are the excerpts:
BV: When and why did you start blogging?
Esha: Foodholic was started 4 years back on 22nd October 2013.
BV: Did you ever think that you would be so successful at blogging when you started?
Esha: Honestly, Foodholic was started out of a passion for food and eventually it turned out to be a full-time thing and I became a full-time blogger.
BV: Do you promote your blog? How important is traffic to you?
Esha: One of the things with Foodholic is that our followers are all organic and catering to an audience is a little taxing. But our promotions mainly happen through our social media pages and its various tools. Traffic is important since it helps us to know where and how our blog is performing.
BV: Did you ever think that you would be so successful at blogging when you started?
Esha: When I started I still remember I had just left my job and was looking for a new job in an advertising agency. I wasn’t very sure if I'll be able to handle both and that’s when I thought of becoming a blogger. And the hard work and journey started back in 2013.
BV: Are your blog posts impromptu or does a certain amount of planning go into them?
Esha: Yes. A lot of planning goes into a single post ranging from Time/ Date/ Right content, the followers and what they like. These things play a very important role for a blog. To cater to an audience that is so huge, it indeed a task that needs all the dedication and time and we are happy doing it.
BV: Do you try out interesting dishes that you come across in restaurants when you go for reviews?
Esha: Absolutely yes. We love trying everything new at restaurants.
BV: Have there been any mistakes along the way that you have learnt from?
Esha: Yes. We all make mistakes and so have I. But have learnt a lot with time and I guess that is the way my blog has reached where it is today.
BV: Out of all the methods of cooking, which is your personal favourite?
Esha: This may sound funny but I’m not really a person who loves to cook. But when I do so I put my heart to cook that particular dish.
BV: Tell us about an instance when you surprised your family with a really well turned out dish.
Esha: Can’t think of one. Have a lot of them.
BV: What do you do when you are not cooking or blogging?
Esha: Most of my day goes in either eating or thinking about food. Lol, I work as a freelancer for Social Media Marketing.
BV: Which other blogs do you follow?
Esha: Mumbai Foodie & Food OF Mumbai. They are truly good.
BV: What advice would you like to give to people who want to start blogging?
Esha: Blogging is a field that requires a lot of understanding and patience. To reach the top where people actually know you and look upto your blog, you have to go through a lot of hurdles and should maintain consistency. Blogging needs to be taken out of passion because it cannot be a job or work that just needs to be done. It needs your mind and soul. And most importantly you have to enjoy and learn from it.
BV: What can we expect from you in the future?
Esha: We are presently working on our travel blog and soon are planning to expand to another country. Hoping to share a good news soon.
BV: Would you like to share any achievements or recognitions so far?
Esha: It’s amazing when people and family members message and tell you how much they love your blog. Foodholic has been featured a lot of times in the best bloggers list. One of our great times was when we went live on air Radio FM to talk about our experiences and how Foodholic came up.