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An Exclusive Interview with Vipul Madhani, CEO Pustakmandi

By Aarohy Kapoor

16 September, 2017

Know how it feels when your start-up gets government recognition. Vipul Madhani, the founder of Pustakmandi shares his experiences and journey with BananiVista. Here are the excerpts of the interview with the founder.    Vipul Madhani in a conversation with BananiVista Vipul Madhani in a conversation with BananiVista  
BV: What ignited the spark in you to be an entrepreneur?
Vipul: I hailed from a business family hence my mind was always inclined towards business but parents pushed us to do a job as it seems much secure. I did not want to let my parents down and joined a job, did it for 2 years and then thought of a business idea. Besides satisfying myself, I needed work which could enhance my learning.  
BV: Pustakmandi is a very different name. How did you come up with this name?
Vipul: There are multiple reasons behind this name. Besides being connected to books, it reaches the heart of the audience. I searched for almost 50+ names which could be my domain. The ones I liked were not available so finally kept this catchy name.  
BV: How did you come up with the idea of Pustakmandi Ventures Private Limited?
Vipul: PustakMandi Ventures Pvt Ltd is our parent company. Pustakmandi is our core name. During my research for online stuffs, I got an idea of second hand books online. I made my mind for this and did not even research if it already exists or so.  
BV: Something about the vision and mission statements of Pustakmandi?
Vipul: My dream is to see Pustakmandi as the biggest community of books. It’s a dream of educating every child.That is why, preferred to call it as Social Ecommerce. “A step for enhancing the community”.  
BV: How does it feel on getting government recognition for your start-up?
Vipul: Though Start-up India started in 2016, I did not pay much attention to it. But few days before one of my mentors asked me to register on it. I did the same without enquiring much. I simply registered. But at the end, I received a message with “We are reviewing your application”. That time I understood the whole thing. The next day I received the certificate. That was a good and an unexpected moment because every start-up doesn’t get it.   Certificate received by Pustakmandi Certificate received by Pustakmandi
BV: Whom do you share the credit of this success with?
Vipul: It is too early for me to be called successful. But whatever I have achieved, I would like to thank my parents who have supported and motivated me at all possible times. Besides that, my friends who are now partners in Pustakmandi.  
BV: If not the founder of Pustakmandi, then where would you have loved to be in your life?
Vipul: If not PustakMandi, I would have been doing a job compromising with my dreams. But as it is said, dreams never die. I would have started something else. But surely, just a job would have never satisfied me.  
BV: Message to the young entrepreneurs.
Vipul: According to me, we all are entrepreneurs. Just listen to your heart, do whatever you can and wait for the results. Also, your struggle is important as it will pay you someday.