You will see numerous people complaining about various issues in our country related to society and environment. However, you will only find a handful people actually working to solve such issues. Some are working with huge pomp and show while there are some who are silently working and attract people towards their good cause. It is time to make the people of this country aware of one such person.
Ashish Sharma, an engineer by profession left his job to make India free from social issues. Right now he is on a
17000km Walk Mission across India to make
India begging free and give a
better life to kids. He is walking every day in various cities asking people to stop giving alms to kids. Read about him as he shares his motive with

Ashish Addressing people about his cause
BV: Do you always wanted to bring a social change?
Ashish: During my school days, I was more inclined towards helping the old age people. I never thought that I will start something for kids.
But somehow it started with kids. Later on I realized
everything is planned.
BV: Since how long you had been working for various causes?
Ashish: Since my school days I had been working for enumerable noble causes.
BV: What made a techno person quit his job and start working for a social cause?
Ashish: I met a kid who was a drug-addict at a tender age of 9. I helped him in rehabilitate followed by rescuing 8 more kids.
The only question I asked myself was how could we be happy if the children of India are not able to lead a happy life? This made me quit my job as I thought to work for this cause.

Spreading awareness about social cause
BV: What are the primary social issues in your mind that you feel India needs to be free from them as soon as possible?
Ashish: Child Begging-Free Nation can help in solving 6 major issues that India is suffering from- Poverty, Children Kidnapping, Drug Addiction, Proper Education, Sexual Exploitation and Organ Rackets.
BV: You started this social journey alone or with some supporters?
Ashish: Alone!
BV: How did you think about walking 17000km?
Ashish: I went to Banke Bihari temple in Vrindavan on foot. That time I got this idea to walk and work for this

Ashish Sharma on a mission
BV: More than support, you would have surely faced opposition like- Nothing will happen with what you are doing! Why are you leaving your job? Why do you need to work for government issues? And so on… How do you deal with such people?
Ashish: I do the simplest thing- I smile!
BV: What do you feel is the best part about spreading social awareness and working for the people?
Ashish: Meeting people and children is the best part about this.
BV: First quarter of 2018, what are the issues you are going to address?
Ashish: Only child begging and global warming.

The Man on a mission
Do share this and contribute your bit to spread Ashish's noble thought and in making India a better place. He might be coming to your city soon!