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 Meet the creative co-founder of Zensai,a garden design,Sheela Kedarinath

By Vinisha Gupta

6 September, 2017

From a hard core corporate person to a nature lover, Sheela Kedarinath, co founder of Zensai, a garden design. She is one of the most humble and kind souls I have ever come across. Thought of sharing some gardening insight. So, let's see how beautifully she helped us with some answers for you.   Sheela Kedarinath, co founder Zensai Sheela Kedarinath, co founder Zensai  

How was Zensai born?

Zensai is a garden design firm with two partners – Sheela Kedarinath and Apithamani Nagarajan. The ideation happened over the lunch table one day when we both decided to let go of our corporate jobs and start our own venture – when we decided that we shared the same passion – Gardening   A garden in making A garden in making  

Are you someone who experiments or just go with the conventional said things in the books?

I love to experiment and try new things and do not stick to conventional, be it travel, food or my work!  

What plants would you suggest if someone has very less space?

Well, you could try a vertical garden, basically planters on a wall. If you would like to place plants on the ground, I would suggest plants like begonia, geranium, creepers like allamanda, shade plants like peace lilies and small palms to give a garden feel.   Red Geranium Red Geranium  

Any suggestion or message would you like to give to the younger generation?

Quote by Alfred Austin - "The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul".  

Would having a home garden be an expensive interest?

Not at all expensive. Home gardening is something everyone in a household should aspire to do. What can be more economical than using left over vegetable peels, tea leaves and egg shells for compost! A rake, some soil, a few pots and you are ready!   Compost using Vegetable Peel Compost using Vegetable Peel  

Any special plants to reduce the impurities in the house during swine flu?

Tulsi or holy basil is a wonder plant which is known to reduce impurities in the house during swine flu. Eating 5-6 washed leaves of the Tulsi plant improves immunity and prevents viral infections.   Tulsi or Holy Basil Tulsi or Holy Basil   Reference -https://www.ayurtimes.com/swine-flu-prevention-precautions-home-remedies  

What are the best plants suggested to grow in our homes?

Perennial plants would be the best – palms, ficus, peace lily are some of them.   Perennial Plants Perennial Plants  

Please suggest some of the maintenance tips who would like to follow Zensai.

If you would like to maintain your garden, ensure you loosen the soil on a regular basis (rake it so that it can breathe), add your daily dose of egg shells or peels to one plant each day or add compost once in 2-3 weeks and water your plants enough so that the soil remains moist (not too wet and not too dry). You could add some plant nutrients on a regular basis – check with your local garden store.   "Trees and plants always look like the people they live with, somehow" Zora Neale Hurston