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Art in All its Forms is What Makes Us Human," says Bangalore-based Artist Aarohi Singh

By Durga Gokul

7 September, 2020


"I often joke that I am a full-time stay at home mum transitioning to being a full time stay in the studio artist!! And with kids, I think that will probably never change. By education I hold a Master's degree in History from Hindu College Delhi University, my day job for the longest time was that of an interaction designer and information architect, and my passion is art and creativity", Aarohy expressed. 



BV: What is Art to you? 

Aarohi: Art and creativity exist everywhere. Art, in all its forms, is what makes us human. It helps us understand our world. It is where our hearts, mind, our very soul finds peace, expresses grief, finds access to joy and expresses beauty. It fuels everything. And for me, it is my reason to exist. I am the happiest in my studio, creating something. And when I can combine my love with sustainable choices or even choices and beliefs that I intrinsically confidence in - it's a match made in heaven.

  nature, bananivista AarohiSingh-ArtbyAarohi-Milestone

BV: Which is your most memorable art show?

Aarohi: It would have to be my first at Triveni Kala Sangam in 1994. I was young and innocent with all the vitality and enthusiasm that entails. It gave me confidence and allowed me to dream about possibilities. I had only one agenda at that point - do you see potential in me? And as luck would have it Delhi's top brass came to see it. Including Maharaja Gaj Singh and Sonia Gandhi!! Can you imagine the feeling when a 19-year-old's first exhibition has the who is who leaves a comment in her visitors' book! And I am happy to say they all saw potential!

  BV: Does your Art represent something specific about you? Aarohi: I hope a viewer can see the sensitivity that makes me look at life as eternal. I gravitate towards painting faces - to capture that sitter's soul as best I can and of course as they say - the 'Eyes are the windows to the soul'. nature, bananivista Aarohi loves painting faces BV: What themes do you pursue more than others? Aarohi: Like everyone else, there are many facets to me, and I am passionate about many things. I am an ardent believer in sustainability and tend to keep things if I think I may have use for it later. I enjoy many passions to do with creativity. If you look at my blog which has been active since 2008, you'll see a lot of posts on diverse topics like DIY bowls, sewing, bags, charity work and of course painting. My collections of collectables and bags etc. are all worked with at least 70% upcycled and recycled materials. In painting - it is faces and eyes. The themes range from autos and Nimbu-Mirchi and sadhus and recycling!! I love dogs, so I started 'The Poonchh Collection' in 2012- https://www.artbyaarohi.com/poonchh/ I believe one never stops learning and towards that end, I started The Fusion projects in 2016- https://www.artbyaarohi.com/2016/08/the-fusion-projects/
nature, bananivista 'The Poonchh Collection' BV: Who is your favourite artist, and why? Aarohi: Very difficult to choose just one but I would say those that are into realism, not photo-realism though. I like the original 'painter's touch.' I admire the works of Tim Okamura, Chuck Close, David Kassan, Karin Jurik, Bikash Bhattacharya, Amrita Shergill, B Prabha and so many more. For more such updates, follow us on Facebook and  Instagram. Download our magazine Spunky Indian for exclusive stories.