‘My beauty lies in my imperfections. My imperfections make me unique. My imperfect journey makes an interesting read and I am nuts about whomsoever I meet.’ GCY

I Have A Hopeful Resolution To Share
If life is a journey then you have a story to tell and any story is all about imperfections. In perfection, there is no room for a story. I can feel that you don’t believe me. It’s fine. In your story, I just played the role of an imperfect
character. Even in disagreement, you contributed your time or your life to deal with the imperfections in me. How’s that? Give me a chance to play a small part. I promise to love your uniqueness and decorate my world with our differences in the new year.
Welcome to my small world. It has a whole lot of
nuts. They’re adorable. Some are tough to crack and some are so cute and soft. Few are thorny yet sturdy but guarantee support, some others are vulnerable and need help but all of us have learnt to coexist. We’re all nuts about each other, now aren’t we? Let’s see how we complement each other.

Embracing My Nutty World
May I introduce my nutty world to you? Each loved one is different. Oh! They simply enrich my life with their imperfections.
- The Soft Nuts show me that humility builds an inner empire of graciousness, tolerance and empathy. Sometimes they hold on to give support. They are devoted and help me to grow.
- The Warrior Nuts teach me to fight, make a mark and leave an impact as it helps to bring in change. They inspire me to sacrifice some moments for a brighter world.
- The Creative Nuts inspire me to love solitude by being lonesome. They are being productive at whatever they do. They embrace the disorderliness of things, emotions and construct newness with discoveries and inventions.
- The Lazy Nuts help me understand that rest means to let go of botheration and relax. I bask in the sun at times to rejuvenate my tired self or sleep over failures to start afresh.
- The Steady Nuts help me realise that balance is the key to a fulfilling life.
- The Tough Nuts push me to the edge and I learn to dangle from a cliff instead. I realise that it was a productive effort as I grew the most out of my comfort zone. They help me realise my ambitions.
- The Baby Nuts live in the moment. They gape and then ape. They teach me to observe and to rejoice every new moment.
- The Young Nuts energise me to explore, experiment and encourage. I marvel at the way they strive and aim to perform. Don’t judge them for many of them are visionaries with new ideas. They just perceive a little differently to get to the impossible.
- The Painful Nuts help me realise that it is important to have a positive aim in life.
- The Patient ones go nuts because they accept all. In the end they empower the rest with their virtuous self.

Celebrating 2018 With An Imperfect Dance
We’re crazy! We’re nuts! We stand out because we can’t fit in everywhere. We are so different from each other. So what! We still make a team.
Resolution 2018: Opposites attract! Don’t they? Similarity bores! Doesn’t it? Change is inevitable! Isn’t it? Deconstruct the perfectionist in you.