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5 Ways to Overcome Issues of Open Space Offices

By Abha Iyengar

25 February, 2019

Make your office space clean and a great place to work Changes have come into being in office spaces over time. Huge personal offices changed to smaller sized cubicles some decades ago. Today, the open offices we work in have rather tiny individual workspaces where we literally sit cheek-by-jowl with our colleagues. While this may create a feeling of working in a collaborative atmosphere, it also has its own built-in problems. Here are some ways to overcome these issues.  
  1. Using Headphones to Cut out Noise: space, bananivisstaApart from the reduced space, there is the addition of noise and chatter that cannot be shut out as colleagues talk about and discuss things with each other, address you when they need to, or even speak on the phone with clients and others. One way to overcome this to wear a pair of headphones that cover your ears. You wear this here not to listen to music but to shut out the noise.
  1. Reach Office Earlier: space, bananivisstaIf your colleagues arrive at a certain time at the office, try to make it there an hour earlier to get work done before the chatter begins. You will find the required peace and quiet to focus on your main work and be more relaxed and receptive when your colleagues walk in and the usual office hum begins.
  1. Create a More Private Space: space, bananivisstaIt can be that you want to work at peace without being on the alert of the prying eyes trying to see what you are working on. This may be out of pure curiosity, but while your colleagues may have some time to kill, you may be wanting to do some serious work without having them peering in. The best thing then is to create that private space by placing a small portable dividing screen on your tabletop when you want your work to be for your eyes only. Another option is to turn your monitor screen towards you in a way that no one else can really look at what you are working on.
  1. Make it Personal: space, bananivisstaPut a little-potted plant or a family photo on your desktop to make a statement that it is yours. Looking at some things like these help you connect with yourself and claim your individuality in the sea of faces and tables that may find you drowning in anonymity.
  1. Use Adhesive Wall Book Pockets: space, bananivisstaIt is easy for any place to get cluttered and smaller places like a tiny desk space can become easily so. This makes it difficult to work without getting distracted. Since the space assigned to each of us in the office space is small, it is essential that we keep it as clean and uncluttered as possible to enable us to work in a capable fashion. One of the ways to do this is to use the bulletin board or half-wall in front as storage space for the notes and knick-knacks that may be taking up desk space. Using adhesive wall book pockets is one example of how this can be done.
  While open plan offices are all very good for fostering a spirit of working together in a spirit of bonhomie, it can often be trying to work within this understanding of modern office spaces. There are times when we just want some private space and time for ourselves. Since the open-plan system has come to stay in offices, and the future seems to promise more of the same, it can be that personal work areas become more constrained than before. It is only wise that we use what we are given to our advantage and make the most of it. To read such interesting information, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.