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OkCupid Urges You to #FlipTheQuestion and Break Gender Stereotypes

By Admin

8 March, 2019

As Oscar Wilde once said, "The answers are all out there, we just need to ask the right questions". This women's day the international dating app OkCupid encourages us to use our questions well and, maybe, start an epic story.

Following #SubstanceOverSelfies, OkCupid is now asking single millennials to #FlipTheQuestion. Their latest video, on the occasion of International Women's Day, uses questions - good and bad - to challenge gender stereotypes. The film opens with three women from different walks of life ignoring 'assumptions and boring questions' being thrown at them. These questions get louder and louder asking a corporate professional, "Savings? Don't you spend all your money shopping?" and a women cricketer, "Aren't you worried you'll get tanned". In amused exasperation, the women then pause what they're doing to set the record straight and bring up questions that can really start a conversation with them. The film ends by asking you to #FlipTheQuestion and send OkCupid suggestions for what you would like to be asked.


Melissa Hobley, CMO, OkCupid says, "India with its evolving social fabric is so exciting. The most insightful responses from Indian users are on feminism, gender roles and the idea of romance in this decade. For women who are charting new paths, both personally and professionally, patronising conversations and lopsided stereotypes remain a constant point of exasperation. With #FlipTheQuestion we're encouraging men to rethink the questions they ask and begin the journey to an epic story. After all, every good story begins with the right questions."

As a dating app that celebrates individuality, OkCupid uses an algorithm informed by over 3000 questions to meaningfully match its users on the basis of shared interests, values, quirks, and deal-breakers. The campaign video went live on March 7th 2019 on OkCupid India's digital channels.


Do you have a question you would like to see featured on the app? Are you ready to #FlipTheQuestion and start a conversation?

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