Sharmila Maitra likes to be known as a ‘Writer, fighter, foodie and marketeer’. A poetess who delves deep into her characters, known for her ‘persona poetry’. Born in the year 1989, in the beautiful but shy town of Jamshedpur and Sharmila was raised by her mother, a strong-willed and fiercely independent lady, Mrs. Sanghamitra Maitra. Her mother has been her anchor and life-support system.
"Being raised by a single mother/single parent makes an individual headstrong as well as independent and that’s who I identify myself as. I have been taught to freely and honestly express my thoughts and viewpoints which I have been doing since the age of sixteen", Sharmila expressed.
Sharmila moved to the beautiful city of Bangalore in the year 2013 for pursuing her Master’s degree in Business Administration and fell in love with the city. Even though she had been writing poems for a really long time by then, she never used to recite them. she started reciting her poems to people only after her college graduation.
When not writing, she loves trying out new cuisines (a great way to lighten up after a tough day), learning martial arts, listening to music (mostly 60’s, 70’s and 80’s rock), and watching movies.
BV: You call yourself a fighter? What inspired you to become a poet?
Sharmila: A real fighter is not someone who just keeps throwing punches and kicks, but someone who takes the punches and pain gets back up on their feet when they are knocked down. Anyone who has this capability is a fighter. And in that context, yes, I do consider myself a fighter.
In my initial years, writing for me used to be an outlet for the emotional turmoil I was experiencing. However, in my mid-twenties I started drawing inspiration from many sources. If something (movies, books, personal experiences, or any piece of art) or someone (people and/or characters) has an impact on me, I get an urge to write a poem about it/them. I strongly believe that poetry or any form of art for that matter is a healthy outlet for one's emotions.
BV: What is the preferred genre of your art and why have you chosen it?
Sharmila: My preferred genre of poetry is persona poetry. It is an interesting genre where I get to completely disappear into the world of a character and write a poem as that character.
Even though I like sharing personal stories, views, and anecdotes with others, writing and reciting a poem as a particular character, for me, brings a novelty to the entire poetry recital experience.

Sharmila Maitra
BV: Given the present scenario, how difficult is the situation for artistes?
Sharmila: It is actually much easier I would say. There are so many platforms like Banani Vista that help artists to get visibility which was very difficult two decades back. Also due to the emergence of digital media and various poetry circles, groups, and clubs, artists, nowadays are getting a wider platform and reach to showcase their work.
BV: In your opinion, how beneficial/different are online LIVE sessions from that of a live audience?
Sharmila: Both are good as both have their perks.
A live audience allows both the poet and listeners to further discuss and interact on a particular topic/poem. The conversations are more in-depth.
Live-sessions, on the other hand, increase the reach and allows the poet to perform in front of a wider audience.
I personally prefer a live audience, because both the poet and listener get to experience a productive exchange of thoughts and ideas which is a little difficult in the online LIVE sessions.
BV: How do you think are the online LIVE sessions impacting the audience in these turbulent times?
Sharmila: In these turbulent times wherein, most people are stuck in their homes with no or minimum human interaction, a LIVE session is a catalyst to normalcy. Through LIVE sessions, not only individuals get an opportunity to interact and express their views with their peers, but LIVE sessions also help them feel less lonely and a bit light. During such difficult times, LIVE sessions could prove to be very helpful in maintaining one’s emotional health as well.

Sharmila reciting poetry
BV: Any word of advice for upcoming poets?
Sharmila: As one of the greatest rock singers of all times ‘Steven Tyler’ (Lead singer Aerosmith) says,
“Dream On,
Dream on,
Dream on,
Dream until your dream comes true.”
Dream until your dream comes true.”
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