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Authors & Poets

Poetry Helps in Healing", says Bangalore Based Poet Mausam Kumravat

By Saswati Borthakur

29 July, 2020

  Born and brought up in Sanawad (near Indore) M.P., the Bengaluru based Bioinformatics Analyst, Mausam Kumravat loves speaking through his poetry. He is the founder of a non-profitable organization "Share Kitaab". Share Kitaab aims to help less privileged children in their education. Usually, he writes poems, shayari, muktak in Hindi, and Urdu and his literary work have appeared on various stages and online platforms. poetry, bananivista Mausam Kumravat, a poet and a Shayar BV: Have you always considered yourself as a poet? As a poet, what inspires/inspired you? Mausam: Well, I would say that poetry is my first discipline. Poetry teaches us how to deal with the concentration of language. When I'm a Bioinformatics Analyst, I give myself totally to that. But I always return to poetry. Poetry always gives me strength. Poetry helps me to express myself, to spread social awareness through words. Poetry is a mirror that shows the real face of society. Well, I consider myself a learner, a keen learner because the ocean of literature/poetry is vast and deep and there are many things to learn. The inspiration to continue writing poetry first came in my 5th standard when my teacher recited and appreciated my poem in front of the whole class. I started reading good books, started exploring poets/writers and their literary works. Also, my mother is fond of writing poetry which always inspired me. Then during college, when a few of my poems got rejected by publishers, I felt a need to improve upon my craft. Also, my concept is to express my feelings and emotions more than impressing others. In Bangalore, people like Vishnu Pathak, Nitesh Jaiswal, and Jitendra Tiwari helped me a lot to improve my craft. The thing that inspires me a lot to write is the feeling - a pain which I feel for underprivileged people, a feeling to do something for the society and bring a change in people's lives through my words and I believe that sculpting our feelings and thoughts into a poem can take us on a journey where the conscious mind takes a little holiday. Poetry helps in healing. BV: What is your preferred genre of art and why you have chosen it?Mausam: My preferred genre of poetry is writing Hindi & Urdu poems, especially shayari, muktak. I usually write motivational poems and shayari and poems that help to spread social awareness and truth. I've chosen this genre because I believe that words have more power to bring about a change when you know to utilize the right words at the right time. Some of my notable works include Syria, Jhoothey Naqaab, Tujhme Koi Baat Hai, Kavi aur Kavita, Vikas, etc. BV: Given the present scenario, how difficult is the situation for the artistes? Mausam: Yes, the present condition is very difficult not only for artists but for everyone. At present, artists are not getting any stage or concert/program offers but I think an artist can utilize this time to learn something new, to improve his/her skills and art. We can read more, write more. We can spend this time with our family and close ones. poetry, bananivista Mausam is a research analyst by profession and poet by passion BV: In your opinion, how beneficial/different are online LIVE sessions from that of a live audience? Mausam: Well, I feel that these online LIVE sessions like the ones BananiVista are conducting are really good and helpful for artists for spreading their art and to connect with more people during this crisis. You don't know who might be watching your LIVE sessions and what opportunity is waiting for you. LIVE sessions have proved to be quite beneficial for artists in their growth. poetry, bananivista Live sessions by Mausam BV: How do you think the online LIVE sessions are impacting the audience in these turbulent times? Mausam: I think, LIVE sessions are helping audiences to cope with stress, loneliness, and boredom. Also, during this crisis, along with entertainment, LIVE sessions are helping in maintaining social distancing. BV: Any word of advice for upcoming poets? Mausam: Yes, nowadays people are writing to get viral, to achieve quick fame which I feel is wrong. Poetry is not a medium to become famous. It's a medium to express yourself and to bring changes in others' lives, to heal. For writing good poetry, the essential thing is first to read and learn. Without reading you can't improve your writing. Write your own thoughts and never play with the content of other poets. You don't bring out poetry, let it come out by itself. Read more, write more. I want to quote a few lines of my poem "Kavi aur Kavita": "ज़रूरी नहीं, सिर्फ तालियों की गड़गड़ाहट हो मानक, एक श्रेष्ठ कविता का। ज़रूरी है, "आदर्श प्रेम" लिखने से पहले, कवि का प्रेम में डूब जाना। ज़रूरी है, लिखते वक्त - "पुष्प की अभिलाषा", कवि का स्वयं पुष्प हो जाना। ज़रूरी है, कविता का दर्पण होना, जो दिखाता रहे समाज को उसकी सूरत। ज़रूरी है, कविता में भाषा-व्यवहार, शब्द-अनुशासन, और कविता का कविता होना।" For more such updates, follow us on Facebook and  Instagram. Download our magazine Spunky Indian for exclusive stories.