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Reading Books To Your Baby? Know The Benefits.

By Monali Johari

10 December, 2017


William Drummond once said that "Books have this quality, that being of the frailest and tenderest matter, they outlast brass, iron and marble". And every book lover knows what this quote exactly means.
Introduce Books to Babies Introduce Books to Babies  
I have always been a keen reader and it gives me immense joy to read books or even being surrounded by the books, for that matter. Books are my weapons to fight everyday wars and books are my armour to hide beneath. I can go on swooning over books but will leave that for some other time.
I always wanted my baby to enjoy the company of books as reading does not only enhance your vocabulary but it enlightens you in many ways. A kid's imagination knows no bounds when s/he is introduced to books early. I remember introducing the first board book when my girl was only 4 months. She used to look at those colorful pages with her big curious eyes. I read to her every night and she looked at me as if she knew what I was saying.
Though a phase came when chewing books was more fun than reading them but it subsided in its due course. And we dived into the ocean of bright colorful stories once again.
What always annoyed me that there was no dearth of people who always schooled me because;
  • Some people thought that I am insane as it does not make any sense to buy and read books to a baby who can't even roll over.
  • A few other thought that I am unnecessarily PRESSURIZING my baby's young mind. Let me tell you, I did not give her books of JEE preparation (or for any competitive exams).
  • Some other tried to make me "understand" that introducing books early would cause more harm than good as the baby will get bored of the books by the time we will get her enrolled for formal education.
I was happy reading and my baby was happy listening but people had to poke their nose in every thing that a new mother does. I was mightily discouraged, ridiculed and made fun of just because we enjoyed our reading sessions.
Strengthen your bond with the baby by reading aloud. Strengthen your bond with the baby by reading aloud.   But many studies as well as personal experiences of people, who read to their kids, have proved time & again that reading is always enriching. Books can help babies and new parents in more than one ways:
  •  Reading to your child is a one-on-one activity and helps you bond with the baby. Hearing a voice, that babies are hearing since their first inning in their mother's womb, soothes and comforts babies.
  • Reading helps in enhancing that little budding vocabulary of your baby. Though it seems as if they are not understanding anything at all, they may surprise you any day.
  • A kid who is read to is more likely to express his/herself than his/her peers who are not read to. Such kids are more imaginative as well.
  • Books can easily be carried in train & flight journeys and may keep the child engaged and entertained for long hours.
  • And my favorite reason is that, I need not to guard my bookshelf from a toddler around.
Reading improves the vocabulary and analytical skills. Reading improves the vocabulary and analytical skills.   I have hosted kids aged 2-5 years old who tore my books and broke my heart because they had no idea that books can also be precious.
Though, not introducing your kids to the books is not going to do any harm and is completely your choice. But, bringing a kid into the world of books can only be advantageous. Because with books; you may travel without moving and see a hundred dreams without sleeping.