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Travel & Explore Unseen Places In India with Roamanchak

By Heer Kothari

11 October, 2018

Roamanchak Takes Us On A Journey Across The Country

As a teenager, I couldn't for the life of me understand why is it so important to travel? But travel has been a crucial part of man's life right from the time he made a mark on planet earth. Discoveries were made in the past, and these discoveries were researched upon by fame historians. With the information procured, these destinations later emerged as hotbeds for tourists.  But the new age traveller wants to snap out of that routine. They no longer want to be counted as masses, but want to be included and involved in other's culture. The economic shift and scientific advancements play an inevitable role in causing this paradigm shift in thought and processes concerning travel. I cannot miss out on technological developments; as that also plays a very important part in making a man a little more aware of the proceedings in real-time. The accelerating dependence on gadgets is fuelled by growing curiosity that pushes masses to get off the beaten track and try something new.  BananiVista, travel   According to psychologists travel should enable an individual to open up, as they are given the opportunity to design their persona in an environment riddled with new discoveries that could eventually mould an individual to being a better human being.  Taking on the same lines I happened to know two wonderful youngsters who totally changed, what I’d call, the ‘Tourist experience’. They have breathed life into the sheer meaning of the holiday and making it an undertaking of a lifetime. Priyanka Mahtre and Pardeep Rana- happily quit their mundane corporate day jobs at Jio and started with Roamanchak. Armed with a few savings and growing on their skills these friends took a leap of faith and submitted to their passion! “There was this crazy urge to travel and see the world”, says Priyanka, and Pardeep happily adds, “Not in the usual touristy way; but by going local and savoring every facet of the place we visit.”     When I looked through Romanchak’s profile, I was compelled to take a walk back in time. I thought hard of how my school trips went. I was a little disheartened to realize that I didn’t learn much. You know why? Everything on those trips was about being spoon-fed. Our transport, hotels, sightseeing, everything was taken care of. But then I gave it a benefit of doubt. I thought well an institution of repute that should have to take responsibility of at least over 40 kids, would precisely opt for a safer route. But my family holidays with mom and dad were a lot more fun! This was because dad has always been an impulsive traveller, and thought it best to do everything last minute. We only had our visas and tickets in place. I remember landing at the destination and then scouting for hotels. Dad puts his negotiation skills to test, and we would avail of the choicest of discounts at the desired place of stay. As for sightseeing dad would prefer taking the local trains and busses. There was so much more than we would soak in, as very often we got a chance of interacting with the locals who would give the most amazing insights into the city we were visiting. This would give my mother some serious nerves, but we happily played along. BananiVista, travel   So what I learnt on those trips with mom and dad is pretty much what Roamchak imparts (only in a little more organized fashion). Romanchak does away with the archaic ways of travelling and introduces travellers to a wealth of information from the locals themselves that cannot be procured on any typical tourist travelling ventures. They go beyond and above to take you to places that even Google hasn’t accessed! I started by asking Team Roamanchak, that they simply had the world on their plate, so why visit India alone? And the answer I got totally frazzled my mind. Pardeep immediately responded stating, “How much India, do we know?” I responded by adding, “Well we do have a brilliant historical lineage that we can boast of, and we can couple that with tradition and culture.” To which Priyanka adds, “But still, exactly how much? What do you know of St. Mary’s Island down South?” and I was like, “Oh my God! I have never heard of this place!” She further went on to inquire if I had witnessed the scenic vistas of the North East Frontiers. At which I felt, ‘Oh my God! There is so much to see, and we are running out of time!”   Travel, BananiVista Travel with Roamanchak Well, I came to understand their purpose of re-discovering India. This could totally bring tourism in a new light. It can help not only the expats but can also help locals to discover India’s hidden treasures. Roamanchak plans refreshing travel packages that don’t only imbibe the virtues of the destination but will give you a sneak peek into the lives of locals, their tradition, and culture. They totally stay off the beaten track and tread along a new road. “Probably using Roamanchak as a platform, we can help revive hidden traditions and cultures that have been buried under the weight of advancement and modernization”., adds Priyanka. “We are looking at avenues where art is lost in time, and hope to revive the same (at nascent stages) by fostering tourism and planning day trips in those regions.” What I really like about the duo is that they have really worked towards discarding myths associated with those regions. Their YouTube videos and Facebook page is very telling of their experience. They have enlisted some very unique sites using social media as a platform, taking India to the world. All in all, I think it is a brilliant effort made by Team Romanchak. Do keep it up! For more interesting articles, follow our online magazine BananiVista. Do “Like” and “Follow” us on Facebook.