Divyaa Doraiswamy Runs Gurukulam -The Shlokha Learning Centre In Bengaluru
Divyaa Doraiswamy is the
Shlokapreneur from Bengaluru. She has a S
hloka for all worries and woes. With a Masters in Economics, she glides through troubled waters successfully for she is a theist, a
teacher and a winner who has championed failure. Isn't she empowered to empower? No wonder, she runs the
Shloka School called
Gurukulam. Armed with an infectious smile, she exudes limitless energy and a charming aura that makes every person gaze at her with admiration. Divyaa Doraiswamy has discovered the magic of
Shlokas and teaches the same with immense patience to children as well as adults. Imagine a moment in life when you realise that certain chants can heal self and time. Yes! This change will empower the society with sharp, young minds. It will inculcate the freedom to breathe easy and develop an atmosphere where values will ride high and stress will dwindle and die.
We are in deed fortunate to have the Shloka
teacher Divyaa Doraiswamy with us at
BV: Look within and sigh! Take a deep breath in and let it go. Close your eyes and relive your childhood, those teenage years of turmoil and adulthood. How much of each phase of life has helped you evolve into the much admired person that you are today?
Divyaa Doraiswamy: I couldn’t have asked for a better childhood – lovely parents and a wonderful sister. As a child, I was very naughty, the bossy little girl at home who had everything her way. I was a happy go lucky person with abundance of all good things. But life doesn't give the best of everything and balances out with challenging times. In my case, God carried me through a difficult adulthood full of challenges and rough weather and gifted me with loads of learning, higher levels of acceptance and of course
Gurukulum and the
Shloka way of life.

Childhood Memories: Divyaa Doraiswamy With Her Elder Sister Sapnaa Doraiswamy
BV: People and circumstances help us evolve in life. They can be labeled as negative or positive. Recall the circumstances that helped you and also remember the happenings of the day when you thought about Gurukulam:The Shloka Learning Centre in Bengaluru and share the feelings of empowerment that enveloped you and gave you a new lease of life.
Divyaa Doraiswamy: After my divorce I worked at different places but I was neither happy nor satisfied. I realised that I did not have a purpose in life. One evening, I told my friends about my idea of a Shloka School and everybody shared my excitement and
Gurukulam was born. The
Shlokapreneur Divyaa found a new meaning to her life. Yes! She became a
Shloka teacher.

Proud Teacher With Her Students At All India Radio, Bengaluru
BV: How did you connect self-healing to Shlokas? What made you commit yourself to them instead of popular means of help like medication or counseling?
Divya Doraiswami: Believe me I tried spiritual practices, Yoga, therapy (though I still take medication) but I got results when I started googling for Shlokas in order to learn them. Now I strongly believe that if God gives a challenge then He helps with innumerable solutions.

Creating Rhythmic Waves As Shloka Teacher
BV: Why did you choose to equip children with the powerful Shlokas? Why didn’t you choose to begin with adults who succumb to depressing challenges every moment of their lives?
Divyaa Doraiswamy: Are you saying children don’t go through these emotions? Of course they do. Primarily, I chose kids because they are innocence personified and I love them. With Shlokas, kids are able to deal with anxiety, restlessness, violence, anger and a lot more. In fact imparting this knowledge to them is like bringing in a much needed change for they will be the torchbearers of a violence-free and stress-free society.

Little Students Chant Shlokas At Gurukulam
BV: In this tech-savy world where people can have "Shlokas" right at their fingertips via "Apps", then why did you decide on opening a school?
Divyaa Doraiswamy: Apps are not the same as a classroom full of buddies. Apps exist but a class or school instills life and conviction in children as it is all about group dynamics. With this faith, I decided to open a mobile Shloka school to basically keep the traditional roots in place. We have yoga schools, art schools, dance schools, music schools so why not a Shloka school. The basic idea was to tap the secret resources of magical knowledge that we all inherited but lost. I was convinced of Shloka Education and I made sure we got this in place.

Divyaa Doraiswamy And Her Shloka Champs
BV: Do you have pupils from diverse religious communities? How did students from other countries connect with you? How did you advertise? Share your experiences.
Divyaa Doraiswamy: Of course
Gurukulam is open to kids from different religious communities. I hope to reach out to them. Social media has been instrumental in bringing glory as well as students to Gurukulam not only in India but from across the globe. With zero advertising budget, Gurukulum has been established as the first of its kind mobile Shloka school in Bengaluru which caters to kids across the globe and follows a universal curriculum. I have a few kids who’ve relocated from India and wish to continue classes at Gurukulam through SKYPE and there are a few other parents from USA who read about us on Google and enrolled their kids. Trust me I am a proud
teacher. We are very small but grown really well since its commencement in October 2014.
BV: Is there a specific tune used to chant ‘Shlokas?’ Please explain.
Divyaa Doraiswamy: I'm sure there is. But I teach very small children, so the pronunciation is more important for me than the tune. As a
teacher I try to keep Shloka learning simple – No tunes.
BV: Is it true that Shlokas resonate with positive vibrations and bring healing whether we understand their meaning or not?
Divyaa Doraiswamy: Yes!
For me personally, Shlokas have helped heal or still continue to help considering the very hard times I’ve been through on a personal level. I was a very spiritual person from a young age. When everything in
life failed, Shlokas worked wonders along with my belief in the Supreme power of Lord Krishna.

Divyaa Doraiswamy Believes In Shloka Chants
BV: Do you recommend a sattvic diet to get maximum healing from the chanting of Shlokas?
Divyaa Doraiswamy: I come from a Tamil Brahmin Iyengar family and avoid eating onion and garlic but I don't recommend a change in food habits. Food is a very personal choice. As a
Shloka teacher I feel that a healthy diet is important but a pure heart is what helps us to connect with God.
BV: Share one ‘Shloka’ whose benefits can be reaped by one and all?
Hare Krishna Hare Krisnha; Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Raama Hare Raama: Raama Raama Hare Hare
As humans, a lot of us go through emotions like anger, hatred, anxiety, emotional imbalance, fears and difficult health conditions. Regular chanting of the 16 word maha-mantra has the power to heal. Its miraculous, try it. I talk with experience.

Divyaa Doraiswamy With Her Proud Parents
Here is a rapid-fire round that condemns thinking. Just say what comes to your mind.
Your Bestie: My Sister – Sapnaa Doraiswamy
Favourite Book: Nothing specific – just anything spiritual
Your Role Model: My parents
Your favourite animal/bird: Monkeys
An excuse on a lazy day : Catch up on sleep (The Insomniac I am) and Eat junk-chaat.
Your food choice on a cheat day: Anything high on sugar – cakes, ice-creams or just anything sweet – my friends call me the sugar high DIVA
What’s the reason behind the contagious smile – The extremely naughty person that I am.
A compliment from a tiny pupil that made your day: Ma’am I love your class because you are so beautiful
Your favourite song: Come Undone – Duran Duran
Favourite day of the week: Thursdays –My service at the temple and my visits to the old age home to meet my senior citizen friends. I love them. Thursdays complete my life.
Your inspiration: I draw a lot of inspiration from my own self. Looking back at my very own hard times I am convinced that I have come a long way with a smile.
You pat your back for this achievement: I teach kids with special needs. A few moms have told me their kids have improved with Shloka learning. That’s what I call an achievement – because I’ve been of help to someone in my own small way.
A quote to live by: “It takes a big heart to appreciate someone and a small mind to laugh at someone. You can either choose to have a big heart or a small mind” ~ Divyaa Doraiswamy
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