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8 Essential Things To Pack For A Solo Trip

By Deepti Khatri

11 February, 2019

Are You Ready For A Solo Trip? We, mostly travel with friends or an organized group, however, many people travel alone by choice or by necessity. Traveling alone is a unique experience and can be a rewarding choice too. Why a solo trip?
  • You will focus more on the destination you are traveling to: On a solo trip, you won’t have familiar people to interact with which forces you to focus more on the surroundings.
  • Traveling alone builds self-confidence: Being able to get yourself out of a jam or figure out where you are when you’re lost can give you a new sense of confidence and faith in your own resourcefulness.
  • You have complete financial control: As a solo traveler, you have the last (and only) word on every rupee you spend.
  • You can find your own Rhythm: The best thing about a solo trip is that the schedule is entirely yours to decide.
  Things to pack for a solo trip
  • LED headlampssolo, bananivissta
Flashlights are something that most of the travelers forget to carry. It is recommendable to carry a headlamp with you especially when you go for camping. Headlamps can also be used to read a book at night when you are alone in your hotel room. If you are camping, you can place headlights around your bottle and switch it into a lantern.
  • Bluetooth speakers  solo, bananivissta Bluetooth speakers
A mix of soothing music with the dance tracks goes simply awesome with the mood setting of relaxing aloof from the town life. Don't forget to pack your moveable music partner, Bluetooth pocket speakers with your baggage to the holiday. Bluetooth speakers will help you to relish your favorite music at a good volume output anytime, anywhere.
  • Physical copies of emergency contact information
Write down your emergency contacts on a piece of paper and create 3–4 copies of these. Place one in your wallet and the rest in various bag compartments/ pocket coats, etc. As a solo traveler, if you can’t access your phone for whatever reason, you still have access to your emergency contacts.  
  • Selfie stick solo, bananivissta Selfie stick
If you are a solo traveler and like taking pictures of yourself while traveling, then a selfie stick is a great investment for you. Recommendation is to use selfie stick with GoPro camera which is great for capturing any kind of awesome memory!  
  • Spare cell phone
If you don’t already have 2 sims, get another one or borrow one from someone with a spare, and place this in a separate. Ensure the other sim belongs to a distinct Network operator. This way, if you lose signal on one, or happen to lose your phone, you’ll still be able to contact people you need to.  
  • First aid kit solo, bananivissta First aid
The first aid kit is the most important factor to make a secure and healthy vacation. One should always carry medicines for a headache, motion sickness and allergies, bandages, antiseptic and mosquito repellent.
  • Healthy Protein bars solo, bananivissta Protein bars
It’s good to carry meal replacement protein bars as sometimes you may not find your favorite restaurant or food item to eat while traveling and obviously you do not have a partner around for suggestions.  
  • Portable battery charger solo, bananivissta Portable Charger
This is your most important gadget for a solo trip. People usually travel in groups and have this habit of relying on others for a charger but since you are traveling alone it is your life-saver; you cannot afford to leave it behind. Make sure it is in your backpack before you go off on a vacation, or else you will be stranded within the middle of obscurity with your access to the world disconnected. With solo travel, you wish to understand what you’re obtaining yourself into. You have got solely yourself to have faith on, which might appear chilling however it is additionally energizing. So, the next time you become galvanized to travel on a trip, and you can’t find a friend to go with - do yourself a favor and book it, this time for yourself. All the pictures are credited to Amazon.com To know about Indian travel destinations, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.