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Tarot Predictions for July 2018 by Praggyah R Prasaad

By Praggyah R Prasaad

4 July, 2018

Tarot Predictions for July 2018 by Praggyah R Prasaad

  Tarosophy or Tarot Card reading is a popular medium of fortune telling. The tarot cards carry in them artistic symbolisms impregnated with ancient philosophical values and mystical knowledge. Tarot is not just a divination tool but also have immense meditative value is fruitful in guiding people going through various situations with a holistic approach.   Praggyah R Prasaad provides soul consultancy through mediums of Tarot Card Reading, Astrology, Numerology and Pendulum Dowsing for last 19 years. She has done many events for eminent corporates and had been associated with Café Coffee Day Chandigarh. Praggyah in her readings blends the mystic wisdom of Tarot Cards with modern-day ideals and lifestyles.   BananiVista, Tarot Tarot Card Reader- Praggyah R Prasaad


Here is her Tarot Prediction for July 2018-



BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month - It is important to acknowledge the issues in order to find resolutions for the same. The month begins with a focus on intellectual activities and coming of ideas together to solve issues. Though it may appear to be a difficult task at hand, it will anyhow get resolved by month end. Be proactive in the workplace and you may greatly be supported by your superiors.   Whats Trending – The focus of month is financial issues. You may be juggling between income and expenditure.   Keep Calm- Your perseverance and sheer smartness and determination will resolve the issues you confront. Just keep going.   Keep at Bay – Domineering attitude, recklessness and inability to listen to others.    


BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month – There can be some functions and festivities in the family. You will have blessings of the elders. Those in academics or academic careers, research etc. It is a very positive month. Your Yin energy will be more dominant and you may feel romantic and sensitive in your personal relationships. You will be receptive and empathetic and this may help you at your workplace.   Whats Trending – Home and hearth will have your attention as you draw “Four of Wands”. Quality time with near and dear ones.   Keep Calm- The positive energy you bring into your relationship will lead to stronger bonds and long-lasting commitments from your loved ones.   Keep at Bay – Unnecessary physical stress. Delegate certain responsibilities and give rest to yourself from time to time.    


BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month – You may make purchases for your home. There can be a purchase of a luxury product. You will be inclined to nurture and encourage the young ones in your family and subordinates at workplace. This is an overall a good month financially and to make impression on people who matter.   Whats Trending – Multitude of interesting activities, hobbies, Singles can meet a prospective love interest.   Keep Calm- Just keep moving ahead without getting stressed about the results. Your efforts will reap rewards.   Keep at Bay – Anxiety and insecurity about future    


BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month –The current month is very demanding and you may have to work hard. There will be pressure at the workplace and even at home, there will be issues that will demand your attention. But you should not forget about your own health. There can be stomach related ailments. Prioritising will help in optimum utilisation of time. Towards the end of the month, a lot of your commitments will be met and you will be able to spend good quality time with your family members. The “Ten of Cups” brings happiness to the heart.   What’s Trending – You may be anxiety prone and stressed but that will not make your situations better so leave the stress behind and get optimistic and proactive.   Keep Calm- Your hard work will lead you to victory and you will win the appreciation of others at workplace and home. People will look up to you and you may be rewarded for all the hard work.   Keep at Bay – Cynicism and harsh words.    


BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month –The month starts with your linear progression. Your work will be recognised and you may find yourself surrounded by really good multiple opportunities. Overall a good month for you. However, there is a word of caution to not to trust anybody too much. Do not indulge in idle gossip. Beware of undercurrents around you.   What’s Trending – Financial Stability and Financial Commitments.   Keep Calm- You should keep your options out. If sticking up in particular situation there is way out. ‘The Hermit’ promises that if you truly seek out what you want you will get it. Be nice to people because you may require their support for meeting your goals.   Keep at Bay – There is a thin line between being straightforward and rude. Maintain your poise in difficult situations.    


BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month –You may feel restless and confused as to where you are heading since too much is happening at the same time. Sometimes its best to step back a little and introspect and make a comeback with a plan of action. However the “Princess of Pentacles “brings with her the determined energy and clarity of mind. The hard work you will put in will reap definite rewards.   What’s Trending – Brainstorming, meeting of minds and working in teams/groups.   Keep Calm- “The Justice” card assures that you will get what you truly deserve. Just keep moving towards your goals with sincerity and good intentions.   Keep at Bay – Fatalistic attitude. You really cannot depend on chance but only on your abilities and you will be rewarded aptly.    


BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month– Money is the definite focus this month you may receive either a good hike or returns from earlier investments there may have been profitable financial deals. The only thing you have to do is to stay away from the greed of short-term gains. Do not trust people blindly with your finances and also take care of your belongings.   What’s Trending – Being moneywise and Financial Investments   Keep Calm- “5 of coins” warns you for not being reckless with your financial investments. Have long-term investment plans and do not go for something which promises short-term gains.   Keep at Bay – You are advised to be practical. Do not be clouded by emotional considerations in matters which require realistic approach. In case you are in a fix consider the past records of those concerned.    


BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month – Its time to take rest, probably a holiday where you can look back and introspect your life and goals. Time for those dramatic positive changes. Throw away the negativity from the heart, mind and soul. Forgive others and move on. ”The Ace of Swords” brings with it the positive energy which cuts through the negativity of the mind heralding the new positive morning.   What’s Trending – Leaving behind the old patterns which are not good for you and adopting positive lifestyle and behaviour patterns.   Keep Calm- Being stubborn and holding onto unhealthy patterns will do no good. Move on to better habits.   Keep at Bay – Clinginess and inability to move on.    


BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month –“Five of Wands” indicate conflict situations may be in personal and professional life. However, you can resolve these issues amicably with your trademark jovial and humorous manner. You are advised against being verbally abusive or domineering because that may aggravate the situation. Better be relaxed and chill out with friends to maintain the mental poise and grace when situations may get on to you.   What’s Trending – Assertion of Power of Mind, Leadership skills.   Keep Calm- Better to do one thing at a time to get best results. You have the energy and zeal to do well but keep your focus otherwise you may lose clarity.   Keep at Bay – Overwhelming behaviour which may intimidate people. Be sincere to others.    


BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month –Your energy levels will be high.”Princess of Sword” bring with her clarity of mind and heart. You will feel balanced and ready to take on the world. You will find yourself associated with smart and positive groups and people. Certain old projects will now gain momentum and new projects will be developed further.   What’s Trending – Happy emotional situations, Family and Friends   Keep Calm- Its time for new positive beginnings in relationships.   Keep at Bay – Flightiness and too much practicality especially in relationships    


BananiVista, Tarot Message of the month –This month your sensitivity towards energies will be heightened. You may feel moody and cynical. Sometimes it is best to maintain your space rather getting others entangled in your mood swings. Idle mind is devil’s workshop hence you are advised to leave the mind games of assumptions and presumptions and get involved in activities which interest you.   What’s Trending – Dreaminess and Creativity. You will be more receptive to energies around you.   Keep Calm-Luck is on your side. At the workplace, you will receive good support from your colleagues.   Keep at Bay – Do not be spendthrift and keep reserves for a rainy day. Do not cry over spilt milk.    


BananiVista, Tarot   Message of the month –Overall this is a good month for you. You will have to manage two fronts. Ensure that you are in charge of situations do not over-rely on others. Delegation of responsibilities is not advised. You will spend time with special someone. There will be love and trust in personal relationships.   What’s Trending – New job/ projects, Development of innovative ideas.   Keep Calm- Time for new beginning stay positive and optimistic.   Keep at Bay – Any major financial or property related deals.   For more interesting content follow our Lifestyle and Cultural digital magazine Bananivista. Do “Follow” and “Like” our Facebook page for more updates on contests and events.