In India, short films are trending tremendously- and why not? They prove to be more effective than regular films as they take less time to entertain us. It’s a matter of about 30 minutes or it may vary to an hour. In other words, one can describe Short film as an abstract of a feature film. Short films are basically produced by independent film makers having either low or no profit in return. These films are either bootstrapped or are funded by film granters or sponsors. In spite of having its own pros and cons, Short films always make a way to showcase the creative side of the film makers and it is a good medium to express one’s thoughts. Bucking the trend of making our children successful engineers or doctors, India is slowly broadening its long prevailing ways of career options. One of them is Film Making, which the current generation is all excited about.

In spite of having his regular job as a content editor at Banyan Tree info media, Nikkhil Menonn has been able to pursue his long cherished dream. By the age of 23, he was deeply influenced by films. He spent time writing stories even in his summer holidays and dreaming them getting converted into motion pictures. Like every other parent, Nikkhil’s mom also wanted him to have a regular job upon completion of his academic tenure. He got one- however, the desire of making films was alive in his heart.
Nikkhil had no idea of how to go about his dream until he met the Indian screen writer and film maker, John E, in the year 2012. John E. had written many famous films- Gunaa, Chanakyan, Soorya Manasam are some of them. He had also worked for the famous movie Chachi 420. Nikkhil got inspired from him and started travelling over the weekends to attend workshops in Chennai; this transformed him both technically and personally. The workshops proved a medium for him to get connected with like -minded people. After several months of learning and training, the journey seemed promising. He kick started his tangential career by launching his first Hindi short film, “Bakwaas”. He got a positive response from the audience which drove him to make the Tamil short film, “En Isai” which hit the screens of multiplex.

In a tête-à-tête with Nikkhil Menonn, he mentioned his new short film “Juliet Shiva”. Juliet Shiva, a short English movie which evolved from one of his conventional thoughts about Divinity. The film hit the screens on early Feb 2016. The movie begins and ends with an abstract. The characters of the movie are quite strong however the casts could have been better. It is a 30-minute film which has been fairly successful in delivering its message to the world.
As the movie starts with an abstract, it arouses interest and tries to keep the same throughout the movie. The movie is about exploring the Divine by a female painter who is half Hindu and half Catholic. Like other painters, even Juliet gets inspired by Lord Shiva and wants to explore the Divine. Through her thought provoking journey, she will meet three different people having their own perspectives. After getting vexed from her surroundings, she finally concludes her exploration in a remarkable way.
The Music Director, Prahlad Prasad has done a brilliant job; the music gives you the feel of mystery and thrill however the art direction could have been better. Overall, the movie is good to watch.
One has to fall, lose temper, stand, and fall again to reach the summit as there is no royal way to get there. One needs to trudge to see the widening horizon. Nikkhil Menonn has way to go and we wish him all the luck in future. “Your story has to be different and should be marketed in a different way", he signs off.