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Youth magazine - Youniquemag and it's interesting story!

By Debolina Coomar

3 December, 2017

In recent times, it is very important to generate extraordinary content and spectacular information to grab the attention of a reader. There is so much information available online about everything, but is all of that worth reading? Guess not.   Readers will read, like, share and come back to your portal only if they get something new, something unusual, something worth their time and effort. There are many online magazines with a lot of articles, news, views, writing opportunities and a lot more.   But, only a few are able to sustain because they have created a niche for themselves. This is the story of one such magazine, created by a handful of youths from Kolkata. Youniquemag is youthful yet loved by readers of all age groups, it is unique yet it touches everyone's heart and it is brimming with creativity and innovation.  

We got in touch with the core team and got some really interesting views and insights about the magazine and its endeavors. You will surely enjoy reading this one.

  Life Mantra Life Mantra   BV: How did Youniquemag start? Tell us something about the team. [Amitesh and Sagnik]: Youniquemag found its roots back in 2015. Founded by 2 Engineering Students, Youniquemag initially started with a small team, about 10-12 people.   Soon, after covering some major projects, events, Youniquemag slowly grew in number. As the time went by, the roots of Youniquemag spread to many other areas like content writing, doodles and Graphics, and today, Youniquemag has a team of 50 people.   Amitesh Amitesh   BV: What are the major events that you have conducted or been associated with? [Sagnik]: Youniquemag's biggest challenge was IIT Kharagpur Spring Fest coverage, Jadavpur University- Model United Nations and the Bengal International Short Film Festival along with a number of other localized events within the city. [Amitesh]: Honestly, every single event the magazine is involved with is a major one and challenging because no matter how hard we try, we always end up with some goof up or the other, but then we’ve been overcoming them till now and we’ll continue to do so.   BV: What do you feel is your greatest strength as a team? [Sagnik]: As a team, the greatest strength I feel is a mutual cooperation, the coordination and the intermixing of the ideas to innovate a greater idea. [Amitesh]: Well, I’ll agree with Sagnik on that note. we have members schools, colleges and different areas of work. The huge pool of ideas that we have and the mutual acceptance of these ideas is our greatest strength.   Sagnik Sagnik   BV: Where do you see Youniquemag in the next couple of years? [Sagnik]: In a couple of years, I personally see Youniquemag as an ever-growing startup and trending online magazine for the youth.   [Amitesh]: We’ll be giving our competitors in the market a run for their money in the next couple of years, and we’ll take most of their money too. We want to come up with more writing opportunities for people who have a passion for the same.    BV: What are the steps need to follow if one would like to start an online magazine?  [Sagnik]: The most important step is the confidence. There will be competitors and successful ones, but to initiate an online magazine, I believe, one should always begin with a clear perspective like what type of magazine he/she wants to build, and the second most important thing is the quality check on Articles.   Because in today's world, we need beautiful yet writings of fewer words than loads of stories which are basically rambling of words.   [Amitesh]: It’s not the confidence actually. The most preliminary step is the idea, and only then does the question of confidence come in. And once you have the confidence, the execution is just a matter of time. You need to have a clear-cut idea of what you want to do.   Anandi Anandi   BV: Youniquemag brings people of different talents like photographers, content writers, doodlers, and others under one roof. How easy or difficult is that task? [Sagnik]: The task is not at all easy because managing 50 people, looking after social media, talking to clients for event-related purposes is indeed a hectic task and it's quite a big responsibility.   However, with proper coordination and an effective core team, the task division can be made easily and the work is distributed.   [Amitesh]: It’s really tough. Since we’re still trying hard to pay our members, its really tough to get people to work properly. However, our members are dedicated enough but most of the times they require that push.   Aritra Aritra   BV: How has Youniquemag impacted each of your personal and professional lives? [Sagnik]: Through Youniquemag, I personally feel, it gave me a wider outlook to the modern world. The world is a place with many upcoming talents whose work isn't always showcased to the open world. Through Youniquemag, I came to know about such "hidden" gems and Youniquemag gave them a platform to showcase their work.   [Amitesh]: If I start, I won't be able to stop. There’s so much this magazine has contributed in my personal and professional sphere. It has made me who I am today.   Duhita Duhita  

Rapid Fire:

  1) Youniquemag in 3 words: [Sagnik]: Youth, Younique, Innovative [Amitesh]: Passion, Love, Talent   2) Best compliment on your work [Sagnik]: Great work Everyone! [Amitesh]: You’ve made the magazine proud, well done.   3) Describe each core member with one line or phrase. [Amitesh and Sagnik]: Anandi- Hardworking, Always the truthful one whether you like it or not, ideal HR Duhita- Cooperative, Innovative, Dedicated, Punctual Aritra- Silent spectator, Truth flows in veins, Pens down beautifully, Coordinative. Sagnik- The guy who freaks out but gets the job done in the end. Amitesh- Perfectionist, Loves discipline and order, Fun-loving as well, Always there for someone who needs help Subhadeep- The guy who saves you every time, dedicated, hardworking, loyal to the core.   Subhadeep Subhadeep   4) One new thing that you want to incorporate in the e-zine. [Sagnik]: Genuine Movie Reviews. [Amitesh]: Audio stories. [Amitesh and Sagnik]: MEMES!!!!!!   5) A piece of advice for today’s youth or budding entrepreneurs. [Sagnik]: Follow your dreams, even when you know success is far, and make sure you maintain your own respect. The team will respect you only if you have it. [Amitesh]: Never ever mix your professional and personal life. Learn to prioritize and segregate.   Youniquemag is not only a magazine run by few youths, it is a promise to our future to be in good hands. Entrepreneurship is scaling, and these multi-talented youths is already writing their present in golden words, and gearing up for a better tomorrow. Kudos to the entire team of Youniquemag and its associates.   BananiVista wishes many of successful milestones and endeavors in their journey ahead!