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A perfect gateway- The Amazing Escape

By Banani

17 November, 2016

Tired of the old school team building activities? Clueless where to have fun on weekends       with your cousins or with your besties? Bowling, Air hockey, clubbing seems as flat as a pancake. Weekends need to pump it up, more bonding and the team outing needs some new twists and turns. Don’t you think so?




Now one can enjoy their weekend or a team outing with extra zeal where everyone has to participate in it if you don’t then you are going to lose the fun. The fun is communication! Yes, you heard it right; the key to success is communication. The more you converse, the better the chances of winning. Happy news to all Bangaloreans and Mumbaikars, this fun game is available in the heart of your city.


How do you feel when you will be a part of a real-life adventure game? You will be locked up in a themed room; you have to use your skills basically “Communication” and some brain storming to solve a series of puzzles, find clues and finally have to escape the room in 60minutes!




Sandeep Pagaria, founder of the Amazing Escape is the man behind the extravaganza. On their holiday abroad, he and his wife came across this concept and got so intrigued that they want to have something similar in the city. In conversation with him, Sandeep expressed, “People want to try new things and this experience definitely meets your expectations”.  He also added that they loved the idea of leaving everything aside and being immersed for one hour in a game and were convinced that this was something that people would like and enjoy. To understand the place and its concepts better let’s go through the excerpts:


Me: Why people visit this place? What is so unique about this place?

SP: People always fall for new things and this experience definitely lives up to that. All our themes are designed in such a way that people can relate to them and always want to do something like this subconsciously.




We have taken care of every detail in the game keeping in mind the thrill of being locked in a room, the time pressure and adrenaline rush. All components put together to make us unique and full of fun.


    7th-nov Launch PDF


Me: How is it different from other treasure hunt games available in the city? 

 SP: Escaping the room is common in all the games available in the city. However, we shine in the crowd because of our varied themes. We have games for everyone – fantasy, heist, prison break, bomb defuse, escape tomb and horror. All our games are designed keeping in mind the Indian crowd adding some wow moments and that’s what sets us apart from the rest.


Launch PDF


Me: Who can visit this place? What is the minimum age requirement?

SP: Amazing escapes welcomes everyone to play the game. It is designed for families, corporate and also couples. The ideal group size for our games is 5-6 people per game theme. The minimum age is 8 years old; we tweak the game a little for the kids so that they can also enjoy the game.




Me: What are the different types of games you prefer?

SP: Since I’m a movie buff, I like all the games that have a theatrical feeling.

The prison break, the lost kingdom, the tomb and the bomb defuse are my personal favorites.




Me: Would you like to educate our readers regarding the tariff for the games available?

SP: Sure, I would love to!


Weekdays (Mon-Thurs)

2-3 people per room – Rs. 599 per person

4-6 people per room – Rs. 499 per person

7 and above per room – Rs. 449 per person




Weekends (Fri, Sat & Sun)

2-3 people per room – Rs. 699 per person

4-6 people per room – Rs. 599 per person

7 and above per room – Rs. 549 per person


Me: What are your future goals with your venture? Any back up plan if the crowd in the city would get bored of this game?

SP: We are looking to improve every day and use the feedback we get from the customers to enhance the game level. We are also opening another branch in Mumbai shortly.


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All our games are very different from each other and so even if any individual plays a game they can still enjoy the other games as the thought process and game style is completely different.