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Bonding With Your Child Through Bedtime Stories Helps Improve Children’s Development & Family’s Bonding

By Ritwika Mutsuddi

20 November, 2018

How Do You Build A Strong Bond With Your Child With Bedtime Stories?

  I remember when my kids were toddlers, their favourite bedtime routine used to be story reading. It would be either me or my husband who would read out picture books when they were babies, then transitioned to age-appropriate books as they started growing up.     The important role of bedtime stories on kids is immense. I remember my children started recognizing pictures and associating words with them thanks to the bedtime reading sessions that I and my husband had with them. Storytime is a very, very special way of bonding of the parents with the kids. You can bond with your child through reading. Children develop a reading habit eventually. They learn to correlate pictures with words and learn things faster.     Let me enlist the important role of bedtime stories on kids:  
  • Daily routine.  Just as the child follows a routine of bath, meals, playtime, similarly make reading a part of daily routine. The child from a very early age should see it as a part of the routine.
  • When children are introduced to books early, they develop a good sense of comprehension and reading early. They can correlate pictures with words, later learn to pick up new words and pronounce them correctly which helps build their vocabulary.
  • Daily reading helps develop a good communication between the child and the parents. You can bond with your child through reading and reading can instil good communication skills, body language, confidence. With new words and a good vocabulary, the child will be able to express and communicate better.
  • Reading is one of the best ways to teach good values and morals to the children. There are many age-appropriate books which have stories which teach the values of love, compassion, honesty, hard work, truthfulness, respect, friendship, family values, etc. in simple and relatable language. Parents can give examples through books and teach these values, which will help them inculcate good values from a very young age.
  • Daily reading helps in getting perspective from kids about a story. This is, of course, more relevant for the older kids.
  Now one might ask what is the right age to start reading to the kids? I would say the sooner, the better! Introduce colourful and bright picture books, later introduce very short stories with a lot of animal and human characters.     I remember when my kids started speaking relatively well, we would read out the stories and then ask them to read each line slowly. This developed their sense of reading, learning new words, and understand words and stories. Also, don’t make story time a boring ritual for the children. They should look forward to this routine every day. I used to form my own imaginary stories at times!   Here is a list of a few bedtime stories for kids:  
  • Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Story ~ Legend Stories for Kids
  • The Ugly Duckling Story ~ Fairy Tale Story for Kids in English
  • Cinderella Fairy Tale Story ~ English Stories for Kids
  • Pinocchio Story ~ Fairy Tale Story in English for Kids
  • Beauty and the Beast Classic Tale ~ Fairy Tale Stories for Kids
  • Boots and His Brothers ~ Fairy Tale Stories for Kids
  There are many, many more interesting stories for the kids. It is not necessary that you only read English stories to the kids. You can read out Hindi or vernacular language stories too. But I believe the kids shouldn’t be overloaded with stuff.   BananiVista, bedtime stories   Bond with your child through reading and inculcate a good habit for a lifetime.   For more such interesting stories, follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.