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3D Life casting by MouldsbyDimple: A Creative Approach to Create Memories

By Admin

23 September, 2021

  Dimple Ashish Thakrar is on a mission to create magical lifetime memories for all her clients. Based out of Bangalore, Dimple has been creating 3D life-casting ( sculpture) for the past 3 years. "3d life casting is a very beautiful extension in preserving the actual feel of the relationship. I was pregnant with my daughter Eva and while searching something for her, I saw an advertisement of 3d casting which excited me as it is very unique and that is when my love for art turned into my passion & now a full time profession". A lifetime Memory through MouldsbyDimple BV: What do you love about this unique world of customisation ? Dimple: I feel blessed to create memories for my clients. As life passes so quick and everyone wishes to capture precious moments, so it's an opportunity for me to create this unique art for them that could be cherished for a lifetime. I love their happy faces and can connect with their emotions when they collect the final outcome. No words to describe their feelings and I'm extremely grateful for that! BV: What are the challenges you encounter as a working mom? Dimple: Life is itself a challenge and women are multitasker-whether they are a working woman or a home-maker, they must constantly balance their time between their professional and personal life. I understand the value of my own dreams & ambitions and I strongly believe that while motherhood may be most wonderful blessing known to womankind, but it is surely not the end of your individuality. Mouldsbydimple, Bananivista Recreate the Magical Moments Again through MouldsbyDimple, BananiVista BV: What's new in the cards for your brand? Dimple: Now I'm planning to start keepsake jewellery and memory box for new parents. This is a way where the new parents can preserve their babies' umbilical cord, nail, hair, tooth etc. BV: Would you say you are an emotional creator ? Dimple: Yes, I'm an emotional creator. I work on the impression for 25 to 30 days, discuss with parents for each and every details. In this time period we become like a family! Mouldsbydimple, Bananivista Relieve your Memories through MouldsbyDimple BV: What made you get in to this business? Dimple: Since childhood I have been connected to art, and making those dreamy moments makes me feel elated. It got all the more with my daughter into our life, I missed capturing her beautiful memories when she was a new born baby and that's how I started my journey. I believe there is a long way to go. I always strive to achieve the best for me and for my clients. BV: 3 things you enjoy about entrepreneurship Dimple: Running a small business is no walk in the park. It has its own challenges but I love it for my own reasons. 1. I can work on my own work terms and conditions. 2. I choose the people with whom I want to work. 3. I can get competitive with myself. Mouldsbydimple, Bananivista Create the love through MouldsbyDimple BV:  What advice you'd like to give your younger self ? Dimple: No idea is too crazy & no goal is too big when you want to do something just work hard and dream as big as you want. BV: A quote that you live by! Dimple: Life is short, live it . Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dumb it. Fear is awful, face it. And most precious memories are sweet, cherish it. For more such updates, follow us on Facebook and  Instagram.