Lopamudra Banerjee is a celebrated lifestyle coach and weight loss specialist and founder of WorldofWow Fitness. She is a certified personal trainer from the prestigious American Council on Exercise and holds certification in professional aerobics, kickboxing, cardio interval, steps aerobics and Kettlebell exercises. Her specialty is weight loss management and she has helped people with medical conditions like PCOD and arthritis to overcome the weight loss problem without any hurdles. She also conducts various other programs like meditation classes for the people’s welfare and also to help people to balance stress. Recently she has been the recipient of excellence and fitness award for the year 2018 awarded by the Karnataka women achievers Association.
She is an inspiration to many women who want to change their life for the better. Although she had to face tough times and endure severe health ailments, she never gave up on her passion. She fought all odds and has attained a strong foothold for in the fitness industry. All her dedication and hard work have proved it fruitful as today the company holds a client base of over 2500 clients with a 96% satisfaction rate from them.

Lopamudra Banerjee
Born and brought up in Ranchi, Lopamudra completed her schooling in DAV JVM Shyamali, Ranchi and then pursued her bachelor’s degree in the field of Tourism and Travel services management from University of North Bengal. She further pursued her master’s degree in the same field from Management and professional training institute. In a tete-a-tete, Lopamudra shares about her career, venture, and future plans.
BV: What inspired you to participate Gladrags?
Lopamudra: A Colleague of mine encouraged me to take part in the Gladrags Mrs. India contest, to which I did not agree initially. However, when I learned about the contest, I found out that it was not only about physical fitness but also about many other things like confidence, intelligence, poise, and elegance. This convinced me to take part in the contest.
BV: What is the objective behind opening a fitness organization?
Lopamudra: This was not a planned move. I got the raw reality of my health and situation after interacting and knowing about 21 other bold and courageous women who had taken part along with me in the Gladrags contest. They all had endured so much pain in life and still had the desire in them to achieve things. When I analyzed my options, I noticed that I had been a clockwork whole my life! So I decided to change it and wanted to get my fitter self-back. I started working out as a hobby which was appreciated by my friends and neighbors. People wanted my advice and help with workouts and exercises. That was when I decided that I should take it to another level, expand my reach to more people and help them achieve a healthy life and hence World of Wow Fitness happened! And today I'm a lifestyle fitness coach.
BV: What fitness means to you?
Lopamudra: Fitness for me simply means having an injury free, absolutely disease free body, where you are capable of doing all possible movements. You can sit down on the floor as long as you like or walk as far as you wish. Being able to do day to day activities with ease is what it is.
BV: What is your daily exercise regimen?
Lopamudra: I religiously work out 6 times a week with variations of running and strength training, I usually run 3 times a week for 1.5 to 2 hours depending on the mileage and 3 days a week I do strength training for about 1.5 hours. I make sure to take a rest day once a week to help my body rest, heal and recuperate.
BV: Would you like to introduce WOW fitness to our readers?
Lopamudra: Definitely yes! I would encourage everyone to be health conscious. It would be better if expert opinions and advices are followed to achieve a proper and satisfactory weight loss. We have a very effective team of esteemed professional dieticians and trainers who are ready to change you for the better!
BV: Would you share your experience of winning Karnataka Women’s Achiever’s Award, 2018?
Lopamudra: I would never forget that moment and it was indeed a true honor for me. I was overwhelmed! I couldn’t even believe this was happening. My whole family and friends were very happy, especially my husband and daughter who have always been my biggest supporter and cheerleader.
BV: Quote that you live by
Lopamudra: I would say that ‘change is the only constant thing in life’- is my favorite quote. I always help and guide people to change for the betterment of them and so yes it is my favorite and will be my favorite forever!
BV: A message to our readers
Lopamudra: Maintaining work-life balance is important. Do not lose yourself in the rat race as Health is not only wealth but everything! Please take care of yourself as best as you can. Don’t diet to be skinny, but follow a fitness regime to develop a strong and healthy body. Follow the 80-20 rule, eat healthy 80% of the time and the remaining 20% eat according to your wish. Also, drink lots of water to stay hydrated as it helps the whole body and also keeps the skin glowing. Most importantly, do what you love and live each day to the fullest!
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