A nursery is a private sanctuary for a baby. You are eagerly awaiting the arrival of your precious little bundle of joy. The birth of a baby brings with it a lot of added responsibilities. A nursery is an essential part of it as you no longer think of yourself as a single entity but about your baby's well-being too.
Not only do you have to prepare yourself for that momentous occasion, but also ready your home. But you don't want to keep things for the last minute. Things like a separate place for your baby. A place where all of his essential stuff would be within easy reach.
Setting up a nursery for your little one need not be an elaborate affair. With restricted spaces in urban homes, you can imbibe these easy tips and tricks to welcome your baby into his own teeny-weeny space.
Crib/Baby Cot:
In most Indian homes, babies sleep with their parents. But if co-sleeping is not your thing, a crib is a good idea. Now, cribs can be expensive. So, you can look for pre-cared or pre-owned cribs online. Also, if you have friends with toddlers, you can ask for their old ones. A soft mattress, sheets, and pillows are best bought new. Also, search for cots which have storage space underneath. This way, you can store stuff which are not used every day.
A cot is a good investment
If you are short on space to install a full sized wardrobe, you can get foldable or collapsible ones. This way, all of the baby's clothes, socks, toiletries, medicines, diapers and all other essentials can be organized properly. And once the wardrobe outgrows its utility, it can be easily folded and put away. Also, hanging organizers are a good idea to arrange small utilities like socks, napkins, bibs etc.

Collapsible or foldable furniture is a good idea
All purpose shelf:
You don't want to rush to the kitchen every time the baby wakes up in the middle of the night. You can keep a couple of feeding bottles, utensils, his formula and a jar of baby food handy. A good idea is to use an old book-shelf.

An old bookshelf can be used to store baby stuff
You can use alcoves or free wall space in your room to store other baby stuff like a baby bag, toys, teethers etc.
Visually stimulating toys:
Babies love to sleep most of the time. To entertain him, you can place a hanging or moving toy over his cot. Make sure the toys are baby safe and are securely fastened, with no loose strings.

The crib can be decorated with visually stimulating toy
Baby proofing:
Once your baby starts crawling, you must baby-proof your surroundings. For sharp edges like the corners of a bed or table, you can stick a patch of foam or sponge around those edges. Tape any open power points. And keep glassware stored away from the baby's reach.
Baby Rocker:
Look for a multi-purpose rocking chair than can be used as a baby gym and a feeding chair.

A baby rocker can double up as a feeding chair too.
With a little imagination and creativity, you can convert even a small space into a super useful one. Enjoy those blissful moments with your baby, because these moments are to be treasured and cherished forever.