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On a musical note with Tridip Choudhury

By Deepti Chanda

9 January, 2017

We envy people on the top positions, but the struggle for their existent can break anyone at any moment. Their struggles tells us hundred stories with different morals, one such story is of Tridip Choudhury, the guitarist who played at The Great Indian Rock with Prestorika and has countless achievements to his name.  

After being a science graduate, Tridip left his native place Bongaigaon and went to Delhi to learn guitar from the great guitarist, Mr. Edwin A.J Fernandes and try his luck in guitar. The guitarist, who loves playing guitar from childhood, learnt graphic designing for two years and kept on participating in shows. To earn his bread and butter, he joined call centre too. However, his love for guitar led him to leave jobs frequently and go for shows, “Getting money was always important but the love for guitar could not stop me,” shares Choudhury who has followed Rock Street Journal all his life. Let’s hear some offbeat life moments from Tridip.


His new instrumental track video: "Quiescent Thunder"

  Deepa: Hello Tridip, you have worked with one of the most reputed bands of the country.  There were many up and downs in your life. Please tell us, what were some of the toughest times you have gone through? Tridip: There was many. I frequently used to leave jobs for shows, so there were always financial hardships.  There was also time in life when I left Delhi and stayed at home for some time, I was hardly doing anything then. I went back to Guwahati and struggled hard.   Deepa: Tridip, you have worked nationally. Do you find any difference in the mindset of people for music in the region and outside? Tridip: Not exactly. There are differences in terms of music awareness and band awareness among people. These days we have music classes in many schools here but more than a decade back, the schools of Delhi had bands formed and they were extraordinarily talented. I was stunned with their performances. They have specialist playing different instruments. We too need those kinds of advancement. But our kids are really doing well these days, we see them in almost all the reality shows doing good, reaching the top positions. Performing in Jorhat, Assam Performing in Jorhat, Assam   Deepa: Do you perform here?

Tridip: We perform here too. The problem of the region is that people want you to perform for free; it’s okay to perform if you are an amateur, you get popularity, but you cannot continue like this. There are instances when we performed in eight to nine shows, and when we get the money, one person hardly gets 200-300 bucks that is really not fair. I think we must say no to this attitude anymore.


Deepa: What would you suggest to the amateurs?

Tridip: It is really tough to survive in this industry, you have unprofessional people, financial hardship but if you have the Jill for it, you will definitely succeed. And there is no point that if you try for ten years, its assured you will be at the top. You never know, when your hard work would click and you will get a chance.