Amongst the chemicals and added toxins comes a brand that has a unique view about organic skincare. Varni Organics, championed by Abhinay Mandugula from Hyderabad, is one such brand. Instead of making a quick buck, they strive to understand other groups of people's different skincare needs and target them with a laser-like focus on quality and customer satisfaction. No SLS, no parabens, and no compromises. They are spending their time in the quality phase before diving into the marketing arena.
Here's more from our conversation with them:
BV: What was the inspiration behind getting into organic beauty?
Abhinay: We had the itch in the back of our mind that we are using harmful chemicals but didn't feel like solving it. It all changed when my wife and I had 2 babies of our own, and it didn't feel right to make them suffer like us. After thorough research, multiple courses, and several trials, we started making baby soaps and used them on our infants. Slowly it grew to other types of soaps, powders, and masks for varied needs.

Freshly prepared Aloe Vera
BV: Describe your products to us!
Abhinay: That's a tough one, but one word that does the job is: Simplicity. We make organic products with no-nonsense ingredients and no marketing gimmicks that claim inhuman feats. Our products are one way you can love and take care of your skin, just like eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
BV: How do you source your ingredients?
Abhinay: We source them from certified and trusted vendors only; it's not just their certification. We intensively spend time and money on sampling from top vendors in each product category to find what we feel is best. We source the best samples, use those to make final products, and only after trial results do we decide to keep them on board. This intensive process has helped us in finding the best in each category. Varni Organics is now making products only on an order basis, which helps limit commercial order stockpiling. We get frequent batches of ingredients that are fresh than over-stocking.

Organic Products are best for your skin
BV: What is your star product?
Abhinay: We are proud to have more than one bestseller, but if I have to choose one, it would be the Rosehip Seed Oil.
BV: What are some of the challenges you have encountered along the way?
Abhinay: With many products in the market having tags of herbal, organic- they are nothing more than the same chemical-ridden products with a renewed scent and colours. People are sceptical about organic produce, especially with the price bring higher. For instance, Aloe vera gel is transparent, but almost all companies have to add a green hue to it to make people believe it's aloe vera; on the other hand, we don't adulterate our products; our gel is the pure and untainted extract we get from the plant, with a little longer shelf life.
BV: What's one thing you do to ground yourself in the pandemic?
Abhinay: Major credit for maintaining my sanity goes to my kids; sure, they wreak havoc daily, but that's what makes them kids. Also, stealing moments here and there for Netflix and chill; no one wants to miss the Netflix top 10 recommendations, right?
BV: How do you creatively fuel yourself to innovate?
Abhinay: One thing we've been doing from the start is engaging with customers, not just before getting an order, but much before; we speak to them, get to know their needs and skincare issues they're facing, their allergies, etc.; this entire process makes us create new products with permutations and combinations of natural ingredients to make unique products to address every issue.
BV: What's new for Varni organics in 2021-22?
Abhinay: We have recently launched a series of hair and skincare packs:
- Herbal Detox Face pack.
- Hair conditioning mix for Hair oil Preparation.
- Herbal hair conditioning pack.
BV: Let's end with a quote that moves you...
Abhinay: There are many affected us personally and professionally, one of them is, "If I have asked customers what they want, they would say faster horse" - Henry Ford.
It applies to us because we as a country emphasize little on skincare in most cases and don't educate ourselves on the 'why,' 'what' and 'how' about skincare. We took it upon ourselves to bring a change; however, nano seized it may be and give the love everyone's skin deserves.
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