My publisher saw the show "Naked" and thought it would make for a good book, so I obliged. Don't worry if you haven't seen the show though since the book has five times the concept of the show", Papa CJ, award-winning International Stand-up Comedian, and Motivational Speaker during his exclusive tete-a-tete at Merak, the newly launched space in JW Marriott Hotel Bengaluru. He debuted as an author for his newly launched autobiography
BV: From a management consultant to a stand-up comedian to a writer, what does this paradigm shift looks like? Would like to know more about the transformations.
Papa CJ: You’re asking me to put 20 years of my life into one answer! You’ll really have to pick up the book for this. However, what can I say is that evolution for me is an inward journey that leads me to towards not only becoming increasingly authentic but also trying to do as much as I can to spread joy and uplift others.
BV: What the young Papa CJ dreamt of becoming when he turned into an adult?
Papa CJ: As an 8-year old I wanted to study at Harvard University and become an actor. I ended up going to Oxford and becoming a stand-up comedian so I guess I’m not too far off the mark!
BV: Tell us about your family. Was your family supportive when you quit your secured and well-paying corporate job and turned to a comic?
Papa CJ: My family has always been incredibly supportive of me and it was the same when I took the plunge into stand-up comedy. It was only ten years later that they told me that they thought I’d only do it as a hobby for six months and then drop it. However, they never let me know that at the time and backed me completely. It helped that I was always financially independent while pursuing stand-up comedy. I had paid back my loans and had savings in the bank during my early days of stand-up. When I got broke I took up a job that would allow me to work in the day and perform at night, thereby allowing me to pursue my passion while standing on my own two feet.

Papa CJ
BV: What influenced you the most in your life? We would like to know more about the influential person in your life or experience.
Papa CJ: The two greatest influences in my life have been my parents and stand-up comedy. My parents taught me to chase my dreams no matter what they were and gave me the confidence that they always had my back. Stand-up comedy gave me a lens to look at both my life and the world. A lens that has not only made me happier but also much more comfortable in my own skin – both of which I think are inextricably related.
BV: What kept you moving through all the odds in your life? And how did you manage to soar like a lion at the end winning hearts globally?
Papa CJ: I am hardwired to find the positivity in life and no matter how difficult my circumstances might get, one glance at the world around me is enough for me to realize that I have no right to have anything but an attitude of gratitude. As regards winning hearts, I do believe that if your intention is to uplift others and spread laughter, happiness, and joy, then people will see that and warm to you.

Shreya Krishnan, Papa CJ, Nikita Das
BV: What thoughts hover in your mind when you strip intricacies of your life in front of the public? And how different it was from penning it down?
Papa CJ: With my stage show Naked, I opened myself up in ways that I never thought I’d have the courage to do before. While it was incredibly intimidating when I started, I was able to continue to do so because I found that it was extremely cathartic for my audiences and they were able to form a connection with me in a way that they had never done before. At an emotional level. Yet while doing that, my audience was still in the room in front of me, where I could see them and adapt my performance, albeit in a tiny way, to affect some degree of control on how they processed what I presented them. With the book, I didn’t have that luxury. However, the medium of print gave me the opportunity to create a richer experience for my reader by including anecdotes from life and layers of emotion that a stand-up comedy stage would not allow me. The end result, therefore, is a manuscript that has five times the content of the show and the punchiness of stand-up integrated into the narrative freedom of print. That being said an autobiography is a daunting venture for a first-time author because not only will readers be judging the quality of my work, they will be judging the quality of my life! Add to that I have tried to be as honest and vulnerable as I can in a medium that I have little experience with. However early feedback from readers has been quite heartwarming so my nerves are a lot more settled now.

Papa CJ, author of Naked
BV: What's in for your fans in the future?
Papa CJ: More stand-up comedy and more books where the content is authentic and brings my audience joy. I will also be recording the audiobook of Naked and exploring opportunities for screen adaptation.
Buy the book "Naked" available on
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