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Tarot Reading

Tarot Predictions & Tips For December 2018 By Praggyah R Prasaad

By Praggyah R Prasaad

30 November, 2018

Here Is What Your December 2018 Will Be Like As Per Tarot Card Reader Praggyah


Aries (March 21 - April 19)–

BananiVista, Tarot predictions and tips You will tend to be more philosophical and will be in absorption mode, taking in lessons from your experiences and people. There will be some stress as you try to balance out a different sphere of life. You will juggle with your finances and relationships. But sometimes a little chaos is required for straightening things out. Do not trust people blindly and work from your own mind as there will be people instigating you to adopt wrong patterns in life. Learn to accept your mistake and move on. Last few days will be extremely hectic. Take care of your health. Karmic Tips for the month:- Be aware of the undercurrents and do not trust others. Trust your intuition and yourself.    

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)–

BananiVista, Tarot You will be in control however you may develop a tendency to be autocratic so avoid it and become a team player. Relationships will be filled with happiness and financially you will feel comfortable. There can be some good news. But there is a word of advice do not indulge in speculative activities as there indications of losses. Take care of health in the latter half of the month. It is time for new beginnings; shed the old pattern and what is no more needed. De-clutter your life. Karmic Tips for the month:- It is time for new beginnings; shed the old pattern and what is no more needed. De-clutter your life.    

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

BananiVista, Tarot Do not go overboard in any aspect of life. Otherwise, you will promise more than you can deliver and this will have an adverse effect on your credibility. There will be challenges and you have all that you need to face them and emerge as a winner. Just stick to your ground and be flexible. Do not let ego take over. During the latter half of the month, you are strictly advised against taking up anything new or new decisions. Just continue with existing resources. Do not make any new financial decisions otherwise, there are high chances of losses. Do not trust people who make exaggerated claims of profit. Health will be average. Karmic Tips for the month:- Be optimistic and you will find solutions for all your problems.    

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

BananiVista, Tarot There will be happiness in relationships and success in career. You will be able to impress others with your ingenuity and maturity. So make most of it during this phase. You will be philanthropic. Do not overindulge in food and drinks otherwise, there can be health trouble. At the same time, you will also be like a child curious and ready to learn. If you have any academic plans it is a good time for that. There can be some positive news during later part of the month. However do not be impulsive while taking some life-changing decisions. Your responsibilities will increase so take help from others do not try to do everything otherwise you will drain out physically. Karmic Tips for the month: - Your responsibilities will increase so take help from others do not try to do everything otherwise you will drain out physically.    

Leo (July 23 - August 22)–

BananiVista, Tarot Your reputation will grow and you will be recognized by the authorities. Financial gains are on the cards. You may buy property and will gain profits from previous investments. Your mind will be sharp and agile and you may get plenty of innovative ideas which if you implement may give you gain. There will be happiness from relationships but more happiness will come from a career. Health will be fine but do not over stress your mind. Karmic Tips for the month: - Work hard and make this month a milestone month in your life.    

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

BananiVista, Tarot Whatever efforts and karma you have done the results will come forth now. You will be persevering and hardworking and you will see the results. Relationships will be important. Singles can get hitched this month. You will be generous and giving. The latter half of month is more dynamic. You will cut through your difficulties and will win over your situations. Financially it is an average month with some gains during later part. Health will be above average. Karmic Tips for the month: - Be optimistic when going gets tough and express yourself.    

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

BananiVista, Tarot The month will see you on highs and lows emotionally. So try to maintain moderation and balance. During the first half, you will be on a high. There can be new starts in relationships or new ones getting established. You will be happy and content but you may go overboard. You may not concentrate on a career which needs attention because emotional issues will take priority. But in the latter half, you may tend to be emotionally drained out and feel let down by others. Career and finances may also suffer because of this. Financially you must play safe do not make investments and buy assets this month. Health needs care during the second half of the month. If you be reasonable and practical things will just turn out fine. Do not be impulsive in relationships and be practical and prudent in life in general. Karmic Tips for the month: - Do not be impulsive in relationships and be practical and prudent in life in general.    

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

BananiVista, Tarot You may feel lost in the first half of the month and may feel insecure but you can be assured that life is taking you in the right direction. You will be touchy and can get hurt easily but that will be unnecessary. This is a good time to lie low and do your homework and make plans for the future. Stay positive. During the second half things will suddenly look brighter and positive. There will be happiness in relationships and you will be content. Health should be taken care of in the first half. Do not take major financial decisions this month. You can plan but hold the execution. Karmic Tips for the month: - Learn from past experience and seek advice from wiser people. Trust yourself.    

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)–

BananiVista, Tarot This is the time to review your plans and make amendments wherever required. You will be filled with energy and enthusiasm to take on the world. It is a good time to lay the foundations for future progress. During the second half, you will be stressed financially as there will be more outflows than inflows. So plan your finances accordingly. Also, you will be in an introspective mood. Health will be fine. Karmic Tips for the month: - Do not be instigated by others think from your own brain. Do not share your ideas with anyone.    

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

BananiVista, Tarot You will be satisfied and happiness will be there both financially and emotionally. During the first half of the month, there can be an auspicious ceremony in the house. There can also be the birth of a child. Those who are single may find their soul mate. There can also be additions in the house and you may buy luxury items. Positive financial news may come to you. Relationships will be fulfilling and there will be harmony all around. If you had not been keeping well, you will become much better this month. Karmic Tips for the month: - Be light-hearted and take things in your stride. Implement your plans now.  

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

BananiVista, Tarot This is a good month from the career perspective. There will be good news regarding career. You will have allies who will help you in achieving your goals. You may form profitable partnerships which will be on a long-term basis. During the second half, there will be major financial gains. You may receive some rewards or gifts. There is slow and steady growth. Your mind will open to new ideas and knowledge. The second half of the month is going to be auspicious and better for you. You will receive some good news. Relationships will be above average and health can be little troubled due to common ailments during the latter part of the month. Karmic Tips for the month: - Break the old pattern and adopt new ones wherever required. Adopt a healthy lifestyle.  

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

BananiVista, Tarot You will gain from your seniors. Your talent will give you admiration and rewards. You can get involved in some literary work. There can be celebrations at home and relationships will bring happiness. Financial gains are indicated during the first half of the month. All your hard work will pay off during the latter part of the month. There will be a gain in reputation and authority. There is also a possibility of huge financial gains and asset building this month. Your health will be good. Karmic Tips for the month: - Do not be cynical about others. Be open to other people’s ideas.  
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