“We don’t cut trees, Trees love our paper so much that they give it their leaves”, Luisa exclaimed in joy. There was no such ambition or planned map, we just started to look bigger, Luisa added.
Luisa, a gorgeous lady, the managing executive of Aspiration ( Auroville Paper). She was very proud in addressing their creations. Started in 1996, with one of her friend, Sere, who was a graphic Designer, were into press, publications related to Indian Culture. Their publications related to Indian Culture. Their publications helped the beautiful Indian culture to reach in the hands of millions. Since they were working with papers, they thought of seeing the bigger picture of it. They started to dream big and most importantly, they started to believe in their own dreams and today they are proud of themselves as well as their organisation as they can see the dreams trying into reality.

Aspiration is entirely different from other paper mills. You must be thinking, what is so different in it? As they finally produce paper only. After visiting the place, I can strongly say that there is no match of Aspiration with other paper mills. It is unique in every step, starting from collection of raw materials, manufacturing or processing it and finally producing high quality product.
The raw materials are not obtained by cutting trees; whether it is for making books, notebooks, home decors or finest jewelry. Aspiration either uses the pulp or cotton. They use the fallen or withered leaves.
Shocked Right? It is the truth. Aspiration follows a very unique technique of production of paper which starts by getting the cotton (garments) from different dealers. Those were chopped into very small pieces which look like heap of snow. Those pieces were mixed with several ingredients such as water, EDT and even add some artificial colors. Earlier, natural colors were used, but due to fungus attack after few days they shifted to the use of artificial colors. The solution was taken to a mesh where thickness of the paper can be adjusted. This produces sheets of paper which were then dried by using compressing technique. The sheets were dried completely by pressing in between two big steel sheets. Finally, one gets paper which comprises of 6-10% water.
Wow!! Amazing. I was mesmerized by understanding the whole process. Aspiration’s unique technique of producing paper makes it different from other paper producers. They have their distributors in almost all over the world. India, Germany, France, Europe, Italy, Dubai are some of their hub of distributors.
Aspiration is the result of all the hard- working employees. The employees are heart of this organisation. Aspiration helps provide employment as well as technical training to the locals. This is a good deed to those who are deprived of formal education and hence find it difficult to get a job for them.
Each product is different in their design and utility but is of high quality. Luisa concluded by giving thanks to Auroville, as it provides the base for their growth and proper marketing. She took pride in saying that Aspiration is honest in their work. No compromise on the quality of their products.
Luisa provided me an Aspiration stationary as a token of love. My third day in Auroville was just awesome. I can just say it’s all about “INSPIRATION, DREAMS AND REALITY.
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